Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Sanatate: Mancarea conteaza

Click aici pentru a viziona un film interesant de pe youtube despre importanta hranei pentru om:
                                               Mancarea conteaza

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Ce este viata?

Viata este o stare de spirit!...

 Ce stare de spirit am eu acum?

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Utopie sau realitate

Fiecare zi e o zi in plus pentru a iubi, pentru a visa, pentru a trai. Nu e utopie, ci realitate pentru aceia ce merita sa devina fericiti.
Calea fericirii adevarate si netrecatoare inseamna munca, mai ales a munci la sine insusi.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Din cartea despre Marea Piramida din Egipt

When the law expert returned to his place, Siptha rose and
presented his question:
“I would like you, Aphek, to explain to our friends here, why
the wise-men of Chaldea reject unions which don’t go beyond the
physical body? I can ask the question in another way: Why do they
refuse any physical union between man and woman, when the
couple are not connected by spiritual bonds of love?”
Siptha’s question surprised Aphek. Siptha knew the answer as
well as he did. They had studied at the same schools.
Then it became clear to him why Siptha had asked such a question.
His three assistants, as well as Kedar, had to hear the answer
directly from a wise-man who had just arrived from Chaldea.
“Junu and his ‘daughters’ have caused much suffering ever
since they arrived, with their lies and their immoral concepts. They
consider the physical union between two people as the only love
that exists. They scoff at all else.”
Siptha added this explanation when he saw that Aphek had
hesitated in giving an answer.
* Sumerians.
But Aphek was not hesitating. He was just thinking how he
could best answer this question.
Seeing his listeners’ attentive look, he decided to speak as he
did to his students in the villages. The people sitting before him
were also students.
So he began:
“We are against this because human wishes are not important
to us. Only the Will of the Almighty Creator is important! This
sublime Will demands that for all a person receives, he must give
something in return — giving and receiving! The balance in the
world of humans and in Nature depends on this.
“Now I must speak about a tree which other peoples besides
us know of. It’s the Tree of the Universe, that bears the golden
fruits of life.
“In the kingdom of the big dschedjins — you know that this
kingdom lies below the fields of peace*— this extraordinary tree
stands. Its trunk is made up of several gigantic trunks and it is so
huge its branches could cover our small planet Earth. It stands
alone amid a bright green mossy plain resembling velvet. The
foliage is also green. In fact, it’s an indescribably beautiful and
sparkling green. The colossal trunk, which one hundred people
could not embrace, is red. Its marvelous flowers are also red. The
golden fruits ripen inside the great red flowers. The colors of this
tree are melodious. Its radiation resembles veils of transparent
golden mist.
“The mystery of this unique tree lies, however, in its roots.
Their runners penetrate deep into our entire planetary system.
They are transparent like glass and have a double function. They
give and receive at the same time.
“This tree is often called the ‘Tree of Life,’ since the force of
love coming from the highest and strongest dschedjins who
created and continue to create our worlds, flows through the
countless mysterious root channels.
* Paradise.
“This force connects earthly human beings to the pulse of
Nature, granting them warmth and ardor. It is an incentive for all
spirits who strive for a sublime future in the kingdom of the
Aphek paused. Entranced, his listeners assimilated and understood
every one of his words. Everyone, including Siptha, admired
his sonorous voice and how easy it was for him to find the words
to express his knowledge clearly.
Lukati gave a deep sigh. He had the impression he could see
the colossal tree before him, vividly. Sitting with his eyes closed,
Miebis had not missed a single word of what Aphek had told them.
Aphek had paused for a long time and his listeners began to
move impatiently. They wanted to hear more. They all knew of the
existence of the Tree of the Universe. But no one had ever
described it to them so clearly.
“This powerful and ardent force of nature also allows procreation
on Earth,” Aphek resumed. “It pulsates throughout the
Universe and bears the miracle of nature’s love.*
“Human beings are creatures created by the radiation of the
Almighty Creator’s Love! They remain eternally connected to the
radiation of Love that has granted them life. Forever, as long as
they remain creatures of Light and Love!
“Love that unites a man and a woman, in spirit, soul and also
physically, also bears creative elements. These elements continue
to work, bringing beauty and strength to the worlds of the spirit
and of the soul. Part of these creative forces that originate from
the love of two people is absorbed by the roots of the tree of the
Universe, flowing back to the origin. This flowing back brings
blessings and fosters Nature and its beings. It can also be called
‘a gift in return.’
“This giving and receiving maintains the rhythmical balance
which bestows peace on all creatures.
* Sexual force.
“Two people who love each other in spirit and soul are givers.
No matter whether they unite on Earth or not.
“It’s the opposite when two people unite on Earth without
having any connection between their souls and spirits. This is very
wrongly called love. Such people only want to receive, without
giving anything! They are like thieves in the night, for they think
they cannot be seen and thus cannot be called to account.
“These kind of people disturb the balance in Creation! They
open an abyss between themselves and the beings of nature,
which excludes them from the beneficent radiation of Divine
Love. Elements of destruction and unhappiness are brought to
this marvelous world by such creatures.
“This is the reason we reject connections on Earth between
two people who are not united in spirit and soul.
“People who disturb the harmonious balance of the established
life processes are harmful. They take the golden fruits of the tree of
life without giving anything in return. In reality, they are beggars!
“When the elevated spiritual guides showed our seers the final
images of human fate and the empty sarcophagus, they also showed
them the Tree of Life. This marvelous and unique tree had withered
away, except for a small part. Its fruits and flowers lay shriveled and
scattered on the floor. The withered tree testified to the fact that at
the time of Judgment most human beings will have become severed
from the dschedjins and from the divine radiation of Love.”
With a look that seemed to come from remote distances,
Aphek said thoughtfully:
“None of us can imagine an earthly life without a close connection
with the big and small dschedjins who work under the
radiation of love of the force of nature, and gift us so richly.”
With these words, Aphek ended his explanation. He had told
them all that could be said about this subject.
Everyone, including Miebis, rose and bowed before the
wise-man, thanking him. One of Siptha’s assistants formulated in
words what everyone was feeling intuitively. He folded his hands
across his chest and said:
“The wisdom I was allowed to hear from you today will follow
me for the rest of my life on Earth! Please allow me to pass on this
wisdom so that our young men will not remain ignorant and fall into
the enticements of the so-called priestesses of love! I want to do
what is right and help!”
Aphek agreed happily.
“The pure will to help your fellowmen will always grant you
the strength to act — at the right moment indeed!”
A servant announced himself by clapping his hands and
entered the courtyard to advise that foods and beverages were
being prepared at the lotus lake.
Aphek, Siptha, Kedar, and his three assistants walked out into
the garden. Miebis dressed quickly with Lukati’s help, drank his
soup and followed the others.
The lotus lake was surrounded by shady trees, bushes and
flowers. The old king was especially fond of this part of the
garden. He had had benches and small tables placed there, since
he had often received dignitaries of the country and had meals
served there.
On the small tables were trays with flat bread, meat, cheese,
fruit, and several sweets made of almond, figs and lemon flowers.
There were jars with aromatic flower tea, fruit juice, wine, and
beer. The “wheat juice,” as the Egyptians used to call beer, had
only recently come into existence.
Foreigners came constantly from near and from afar to see the
pyramid. One day, a group of tall strong figures appeared. Their
hair and beards were red, and they were taller than all other
visitors. These foreigners had come by order of their old priest,
who had seen the pyramid in a spiritual vision and wanted more
details about it. Their priest had described the way to the pyramid
so accurately that after a six-month journey they had reached
their goal.
It took a long time before the foreigners could make themselves
understood. They came from so distant a country, that no
one had ever heard of it.* They trusted Pyramon immediately and
asked him for permission to work. About two years later half of
the “red-haired”— so they were called from start — said their
farewells and returned to their homeland. During their stay, they
had heard and seen so much that they would be able to give their
priest an exact picture of the construction of the pyramid and its
The other half remained with Pyramon until the pyramid was
finished. One day, one of them made a beverage — with wheat
grains, millet, honey, and the bark of a certain tree — that was
much appreciated by the stone workers. Sometimes the old king
used to drink it too.
While everyone was sitting together, eating and drinking in the
garden, Samia and two girls arrived in such haste, as if they had
been running in a long race.
“A caravan has arrived from the land of the bearded men!”
Samia called out from afar. “A seer is with them, who knows all
the events that will be written down in the pyramid. He is also
predicting a terrible Judgment for mankind on Earth.”
Samia sat with the two girls on a bench, looking expectantly
at Aphek. When nobody said a word, she added that Magog had
taken the foreign seer with him to the oasis.
Aphek and Siptha sought a connection with Magog to discover
what kind of seer the foreigner was. No one spoke. Everyone was
waiting to see what Aphek and Siptha would say. Junu had also
called himself a seer, and before him there had been others who had
brought unrest.
“He is truly a great seer and a wise-man,” Aphek finally said
with a happy tone. “The garments of the foreigner’s soul are
* Germania.
immaculate. On his chest he wears a round golden plate on which
the form of the axis of the world can be seen. The woman accompanying
him has the same spiritual level.”
Everyone breathed with relief after Aphek’s words. A true
wise-man and seer would bring blessings to the country. He was a
welcome guest.

( din The Great Pyramid reveals its secret - Roselis von Sass )

Sanatate: Proprietatile benefice ale spanacului

Spanacul: Proprietati si Beneficii pentru sanatate

  •   spanacul este util in prevenirea bolilor cardiovasculare;
  • consumul de spanac este indicat celor cu colesterol mare (hipercolesterolemie), avand proprietati activatoare asupra metabolismului lipidic;
  • spanacul previne si trateaza anemia, avand o cantitate moderata de fier;
  • spanacul este deosebit de util in detoxifiere, fiind bogat in sunstante antioxidante;
  • spanacul previne infarctul si atacurile vasculare cerebrale;
  • prezinta proprietati anticancerigene,astfel ca se poate afirma despre spanac ca previne cancerul de colon, cancerul digestiv, dar si alte tipuri de cancere prin actiunea sa antioxidanta care protejeaza materialul genetic celular.
    • in ultimele studii realizate s-a scos la iveala faptul ca spanacul ar putea preveni cataracta;
    • spanacul combate constipatia prin continutul ridicat de fibre;
    • spanacul creste imunitatea. Prin continutul ridicat de vitamine si minerale, in special de vitamina C, spanacul stimuleaza sistemul imunitar, prevenind racelile si infectiile comune;
    • spanacul contine luteina, o substanta implicata in mai multe procese, cum ar fi cele de mentinere a tineretii, de regenerare, anticancerigene dar si de protectie a sanatati ochilor;
    • spanacul previnde cariile dentare si tartrul, ajutand la mentinerea sanatatii dintilor. Pentru aceste efecte este recomandat sa consumati spanac proaspat, in salate.
    • spanacul contine si acid folic, ceea ce previne anemia la adult si totodata este deosebit de util femeilor gravide, protejand sistemul nervos al fatului.

    Nu ezitati sa consumati spanac atat cat este in sezon, beneficiile sale nefiind deloc de neglijat.  

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Iisus si multumirile oamenilor

 Iisus i-a incurajat in timpul copilariei sale si i-a sprijinit de multe ori pe copiii cu care Isi petrecea timpul jucandu-se. Insa scrie in cartile scrise de vizionarii de pe Munte ca nimeni niciodata nu I-a multumit! 
 Puteti sa credeti? Eu pot! Pentru ca asa suntem noi oamenii, inclusiv eu, trecem superficiali peste ocaziile mari si unice pe care ni le ofera fiecare zi... De aceea atat de multi oameni se tem de moarte, pentru ca ne apasa amintirea atitudinilor gresite pe care am ales sa le acceptam.
 Ne indreptam spre  "  prea tarziu "... De aceea e atata lipsa de speranta in lume!...

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Legătura cu Lumina

Nu vă temeţi! Un singur om poate fi solul tuturor oştilor cereşti. Dacă acel om are legătura cu Lumina...
Legătura omului cu Lumina este de natură spirituală.
Dumnezeu, spirit, veşnicie sunt noţiuni care nu pot fi înţelese niciodată în mod intelectual. Dumnezeu este Lumina, dar intelectul nu va recunoaşte niciodată acest lucru.
Cu cât noţiunea unui om despre Dumnezeu este mai aproape de adevăr, cu atât acel om este mai nobil sufleteşte, mai matur spiritual. Omul îl recunoaşte pe Dumnezeu în Operele Sale, în Creaţia Lui, care vorbeşte despre El şi Voinţa Sa cum nu se poate mai clar şi mai simplu.
Dar intelectul nu întelege claritatea şi simplitatea. Aceste noţiuni sunt deasupra lui, prea înalte pentru puterea sa de pătrundere. De aceea intelectul complică totul.
Concepţiile noastre despre lume şi viaţă, noţiunile după care trăim sunt certitudini, fire de lumină care ne leagă de Cer.
Sau fire de nisip care se pierd în bezna materiei. Supuse vântului schimbării, ele azi sunt şi mâine nu mai sunt, trecătoare ca şi materia din care provin. De aceea intelectul spune ca adevărul este relativ.
Dar nu este aşa! Adevărul este ceea ce este, absolut, veşnic, imuabil. Neschimbat de concepţiile noastre, El rămâne mereu acelaşi. Doar noi descoperim în timp frânturi de adevăr, pe care le înţelegem mai bine când mergem pe Cale.
Aşa că...atenţie la ceea ce credeţi despre tot şi toate. Credinţa devine convingere prin experienţă trăită. Atunci nu mai există îndoială!
Bucuria de a trăi nu poate fi mimată. Ea există sau nu! Şi este criteriul sigur că omul se află pe drumul cel bun.
Dar câte lupte cu sine, câte suferinţe sufleteşti şi câte îndoieli nu trebuie depăşite până când bucuria de a trăi se instalează pe deplin în suflet!
Până atunci apar uneori străfulgerări ale ei, raze de lumină care ne bucură inima...şi ne îndeamnă să mergem mai departe, mereu mai departe. Pericolul e numai in urmă!

( Alina Rus )

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Religie si Vointa Domnului

   Scena din filmul artistic IMPARATIA CERURILOR ( THE KINGDOM OF HEAVEN )

Elevul ii spune maestrului sau:

-Se pare ca mi-am pierdut religia!

 Maestrul ii raspunde:
-Nu dau doi bani pe religie! Pentru mine cuvantul religie este o nebunie a unor lunatici care numesc asta Vointa Domnului!... Sfintenia salasluieste in faptele bune si in curajul de a-i apara pe cei nevoiasi... Si in bunatate...Ceea ce Domnul doreste este aici ( si maestrul ii pune mana la tampla )... Si aici ( si maestrul ii indica mijlocul pieptului )... Si ceea ce tu decizi sa faci in fiecare zi te face un om bun! ... Sau nu...! 


Importanta mamei

A fost odată un bebeluş încă nenăscut. Acesta fusese conceput cu săptămâni în urmă şi trăia de atunci în pântecele mamei sale. Se simţea bine în acel loc minunat şi creştea în fiecare zi din ce în ce mai mare. Vorbea zilnic cu Dumnezeu şi învăţa foarte multe lucruri de la El. Trăia, parcă, într-un balon plin cu apă înăuntrul unei fiinţe vii. Într-o bună zi, el a simţit că balonul de apă în care locuia s-a spart, iar apa care îi oferise confort în tot acest timp, a început să se reverse. S-a speriat atunci foarte tare, aşa că l-a întrebat imediat pe Dumnezeu:

- Doamne, spune-mi, te rog, ce se întâmplă cu mine?
- A sosit vremea, fiule, să te trimit pe pământ, i-a răspuns Dumnezeu.
- Vai, Doamne! a spus atunci bebeluşul, spune-mi, te rog, cum mă voi descurca acolo, fiind atât de mic şi neajutorat?
Dumnezeu i-a răspuns:
- Tu nu ai de ce să te temi, fiule. Dintre toţi îngerii care trăiesc pe pământ, Eu am ales unul pentru tine. Acest înger te va aştepta şi va avea grijă de tine.
- Dar, oare, mă voi descurca acolo, Doamne? Aici în Rai cu Tine, eu nu făceam nimic altceva decât să cânt şi să zâmbesc, iar acest lucru era destul pentru a fi fericit.
- De acum înainte, o să-ţi fie şi mai bine, a continuat Dumnezeu. Îngerul tău va cânta pentru tine, iar tu vei zâmbi în fiecare zi şi vei simţi iubirea îngerului tău. Vei vedea că
aceste lucruri te vor face şi mai fericit.
- Cum voi putea înţelege când oamenii vor vorbi cu mine, dacă nu ştiu limba pe care o vorbesc ei?
- Să nu-ţi fie frică, fiule. Îngerul tău de pe pământ îţi va spune cele mai frumoase şi mai dulci cuvinte pe care le vei auzi vreodată. Cu multă răbdare şi grijă, îngerul tău te va învăţa să vorbeşti.
- Spune-mi, te rog, Doamne, ce trebuie să fac când voi dori să vorbesc cu tine?
- Îngerul tău îţi va împreuna mâinile şi te va învăţa să te rogi.
- Am auzit că pe pământ sunt foarte mulţi oameni răi. Cine mă va proteja?
- Îngerul tău te va apăra, chiar dacă acest lucru va însemna să-şi rişte viaţa.
- Dar eu voi fi întotdeauna supărat pentru că nu Te voi mai putea vedea…
- Îngerul tău îţi va vorbi întotdeauna de Mine şi te va învăţa felul prin care tu vei veni la Mine, cu toate că Eu voi fi întotdeauna în preajma ta.
În acel moment se făcu o linişte deplină în Rai. Vocile de pe pământ începeau să se audă din ce în ce mai tare. Simţind aceste lucruri, micuţul a întrebat atunci în grabă, dar
cu o voce blândă:
- Oh, Doamne! Dacă a venit vremea să plec acum de lângă Tine, te rog, să-mi spui numele îngerului meu!
- Numele îngerului tău nu are nicio importanţă, dar tu vei numi acest înger… Mama!

(autor necunoscut)


                Un rege avea un fiu destept si curajos. Ca sa il pregateasca pentru a infrunta viata, il trimise la un batran intelept.

                -Lumineaza-ma! Ce trebuie sa stiu in viata?

                -Vorbele mele se vor pierde precum urmele pasilor tai pe nisip, dar o sa-ti dau totusi cateva sfaturi. In drumul tau prin viata vei intalni trei porti. Citeste ce scrie pe fiecare din ele. O dorinta mai puternica decat tine te va impinge sa le urmezi. Nu incerca sa te intorci, caci vei fi condamnat sa retraiesti din nou si din nou ceea ce incerci sa eviti.Nu pot sa iti spun mai mult. Tu singur trebuie sa treci prin asta, cu inima si cu trupul. Acum du-te! Urmeaza drumul acesta drept din fata ta.

                Batranul intelept disparu si tanarul porni pe drumul vietii.
                Nu dupa mult timp se gasi in fata unei porti mari pe care se putea citi: SCHIMBA LUMEA!

                - Asta era si intentia mea, gandi printul, caci chiar daca sunt lucruri care imi plac pe aceasta lume, altele nu-mi convin deloc.
                Atunci incepu prima sa lupta. Idealul sau, abilitatea si vigoarea il impinsera sa se confrunte cu lumea, sa intreprinda, sa cucereasca, sa modeleze realitatea dupa dorinta sa, El gasi placerea si betia cuceritorului, dar nu si alinarea inimii. Reusi sa schimbe cateva lucruri, dar multe altele ii rezistara.

                Anii trecura. Intr-o zi il intalni din nou pe batranul intelept, care il intreba:

                -Ce ai invatat tu pe acest drum?

                -Am invatat sa deosebesc ceea ce e in puterea mea de ceea ce imi scapa, ceea ce depinde de mine de ceea ce nu depinde de mine.
                -Bine, zise batranul. Utilizeaza-ti fortele pentru ceea ce sta in puterea ta si uita ceea ce-ti scapa printre degete.
                Si disparu.

                Putin dupa aceasta intalnire, printul se gasi in fata celei de-a doua porti, pe care statea scris: SCHIMBA-I PE CEILALTI!

                Asta era si intentia mea, gandi el. Ceilalti sunt sursa de placere, bucurii si satisfactii, dar si de durere, necazuri si frustrari.
                El se ridica deci contra a tot ce-l deranja sau nu-i placea la cei din jurul sau. Incerca sa le patrunda in carcater si sa le extirpeze defectele. Aceasta fu a doua lupta a sa. Intr-o zi, pe cand medita asupra utilitatii tentativelor sale de a-i schimba pe ceilalti, il intalni din nou pe batranul intelept, care-l intreba:

                -Ce ai invatat tu, deci, pe acest drum?

                -Am invatat ca nu ceilalti sunt cauza sau sursa bucuriilor sau necazurilor, a satisfactiilor sau infrangerilor mele. Ei sunt doar prilejul, ocazia care le scoate la lumina. In mine prind radacina toate aceste lucruri.
                -Ai dreptate, spuse batranul. Prin ceea ce trezesc ceilalti in tine, ei te descopera in fata ta. Fii recunoscator celor care fac sa vibreze in tine bucuria si placerea, dar si celor care fac sa se nasca in tine suferinta sau frustrarea, caci prin ei viata iti arata ce mai ai inca de invatat si calea pe care trebuie sa o urmezi.

                Nu dupa multa vreme, printul ajunse in fata unei porti pe care scria: SCHIMBA-TE PE TINE INSUTI!

                -DAca eu sunt cauza problemelor mele, atunci inseamna ca asta imi ramane de facut, isi zise el si incepu lupta cu el insusi.
                El cauta sa patrunda in interiorul sau, sa-si combata imperfectiunile, sa-si inlature defectele, sa schimbe tot ce nu-i placea la el, tot ce nu corespundea idealului sau.
                Dupa cativa ani de lupta cu el insusi, dupa ce cunoscu cateva succese, dar si esecuri si rezistente, printul il intalni iarasi pe batranul intelept, care-l intreba:

                -Ce ai invatat tu pe acest drum?

                -Am invatat ca exista in noi lucruri pe care le putem ameliora, dar si altele care ne rezista si pe care nu le putem invinge.
                -Asa este, spuse batranul.
                -Da, dar m-am saturat sa lupt impotriva a tot si a tuturor, chiar si impotriva mea! Oare nu se termina niciodata? Imi vine sa renunt, sa ma dau batut si sa ma resemnez.
                -Asta va fi ultima ta lectie, dar inainte de a merge mai departe, intoarce-te si contempla drumul parcurs, raspunse batranul si apoi disparu.

                Privind inapoi, printul vazu in departare spatele celei de-a treia porti pe care statea scris ACCEPTA-TE PE TINE INSUTI!

                Printul se mira ca n-a vazut cele scrise atunci cand a patruns prima data prin aceea poarta, dar in celalalt sens.
                -In lupta devenim orbi, isi zise el.
                Si mai vazu zacand pe jos, peste tot in jurul sau, tot ce a respins si a invins in lupta cu el insusi: defectele, umbrele, frica, limitele sale. Le recunoscu pe toate si invata sa le accepte si sa le iubeasca. Invata sa se iubeasca pe el insusi, fara sa se mai compare, sa se judece, sa se invinovateasca.
                Il intalni din nou pe batranul intelept , care-l intreba:

                -Ce-ai invatat in plus pe acest drum?

                - Am invatat ca urand sau detestand o parte din mine inseamna sa ma condamn sa nu fiu niciodata de acord cu mine insumi. Am invatat sa ma accept in totalitate, neconditionat.
                - Bine, acesta este primul lucru pe care nu trebuie sa il uiti in viata, acum poti merge mai departe in sens invers.

                Printul zari in departare ceea de-a doua poarta, pe spatele careia scria ACCEPTA-I PE CEILALTI!

                Si in jurul lui recunoscu toate persoanele pe care le-a intalnit in viata sa, pe cei pe care i-a iubit si pe cei pe care i-a urat, pe cei pe care i-a ajutat si pe cei pe care i-a infruntat.
                Dar spre surpriza sa, acum era incapabil sa le vada imperfectiunile, defectele, lucrurile care altadata il deranjau enorm si impotriva carora luptase.
                Batranul intelept aparu din nou si il intreba:

                -Ce-ai invatat mai mult decat prima data pe acest drum?

                - Am invatat ca fiind in acord cu mine insumi nu mai am nimic de reprosat celorlalti si nici nu ma mai tem de ei. Am invatat sa ii accept si sa ii iubesc asa cum sunt.
                - Bine, acesta este cel de-al doilea lucru pe care trebuie sa il tii minte. Continua drumul inapoi.

                Printul zari prima poarta, prin care trecuse cu mult timp in urma, si vazu ceea ce era scris pe spatele ei ACCEPTA LUMEA!
                Privi in jurul sau si recunoscu acea lume pe care a dorit sa o cucereasca, s-o transforme, s-o schimbe. Fu izbit de lumina si de frumusetea tuturor lucrurilor, de ceea ce era perfect in acea lume.
                Era totusi aceeasi lume de alta data. Oare lumea se schimbase, sau privirea sa? Atunci se ivi batranul care-l intreba:

                - Ce ai invatat pe drumul asta?

                - Acum am invatat ca LUMEA ESTE OGLINDA SUFLETULUI MEU. Ca eu nu vad lumea, ci ma vad pe mine in ea. Cand sunt fericit lumea mi se pare minunata, cand sunt necajit lumea imi pare trista. Ea nu este nici vesela, nici trista. Ea exista. Atat. Nu lumea ma necajea, ci starea mea de spirit si grijile pe care mi le faceam. Am invatat sa o accept fara sa o judec, fara nici o conditie.

               - Acesta este cel de-al treilea lucru important pe care nu trebuie sa-l uiti. Acum esti impacat cu tine, cu ceilalti si cu lumea!

               - Esti pregatit sa pornesti spre ultima incercare:

               - Trecerea de la linistea implinirii, la implinirea linistii, spuse batranul si disparu  pentru totdeauna.

Wednesday, March 07, 2012

Conversatie intuitiva

" Stai de vorba, macar putin in fiecare zi, cu cel sau cea care ai vrea sa fii. "

Tuesday, March 06, 2012

Noţiunea “Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu”

Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu

 Noţiunea “Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu” se referă la Dumnezeu Insuşi. Iisus s-a incarnat pe Pământ ca întrupare a acestui Cuvânt. In acest Cuvânt, de asemenea,  se află Forţă şi Mântuire pentru omenire. Cuvântul reprezintă Adevărul de care omenirea are nevoie pentru Salvarea sa. De aceea Cuvântul şi Adevărul sunt unul şi acelaşi lucru. Cel care cunoaşte Cuvântul lui Dumnezeu, acela cunoaşte şi Adevărul. Acela care a găsit Cuvântul, a găsit şi Adevărul  şi astfel a găsit Crucea, acea Cruce care este Mântuire pentru el!

Este Dumnezeu vinovat pentru nedreptatile din cadrul bisericilor?

 Unele cauze ale ateismului    

  Există în mod categoric persoane care resping conceptul de Divinitate orbeşte şi care în ciuda tuturor evidenţelor care exprimă contrariul se lasă dominati de fricile lor în privinţa continuării unei vieţi după moarte. Ei refuză ideea de Divinitate, în primul rând pentru că vor să trăiască într-o lume în care să nu fie traşi la răspundere pentru nimic.
      Acest articol nu a fost scris pentru oameni de acest fel.

    Cea mai mare parte a aşa-numiţilor atei confundă pe Dumnezeu sau ceea ce este Divin cu religia organizată.
    Intr-adevăr, ei au o aversiune faţă de organizaţiile religioase şi în ostilitatea lor îngrămădesc totul în acelaşi vas, susţinând că Divinitatea trebuie să fie sinonimă cu religia organizată. Ei îşi fac astfel lor înşişi un mare deserviciu dăunându-şi ei singuri lor înşişi, căci tot ceea ce presupun ei în această privinţă nu are legătură cu Dumnezeu. Marele Creator Este! Mereu prezent, independent şi indiferent faţă de părerile oamenilor. Aceşti oameni s-au exclus pe ei înşişi de la marea radiaţie binefăcătoare care străbate întreaga lume.


     Şi iarăşi Lucifer şi-a câştigat adepţi care să-l urmeze, căci el a reuşit să amăgească foarte multe spirite umane şi să le facă să creadă că actele arbitrare ale oamenilor şi religia acestora, provin de la Dumnezeu şi că de fapt Dumnezeu a fondat aceste religii şi aşadar El trebuie să fie răspunzător pentru ceea ce se întâmplă în interiorul acestor organizaţii religioase.

    Ei consideră că, de toate acele lucruri pe care oamenii decid să le facă în cadrul organizaţiilor religioase, inclusiv nedreptăţile comise de ei, cruzimea lor şi aşa mai departe, pentru toate acestea trebuie să fie răspunzător Dumnezeu de vreme ce El a fondat aceste religii şi acei oameni sunt reprezentanţii Lui şi acţionează în numele Lui.  Aceasta este una din cele mai mari iluzii care a cuprins marea majoritate a omenirii, atât de mult încât până şi dintre credincioşi mulţi consideră că aşa stau lucrurile.


    Reprezentanţii religiei organizate au reuşit cu succes să se dea ei înşişi drept persoane care acţionează în numele lui Dumnezeu şi să-i facă pe oameni să creadă că orice decizie iau ei, este în acelaşi timp in acord cu Voinţa lui Dumnezeu. Aceasta reprezintă o amăgire care va cere zeci de ani, dacă nu secole, pentru a fi ştearsă din conştiinţa umanităţii.

    Trebuie subliniat cu putere aici, că Dumnezeu şi religia organizată nu sunt unul şi acelaşi lucru! Dumnezeu nu are nimic de-a face cu religia organizată. Orice cred sau fac oamenii religiei organizate, ei fac prin propria lor gândire şi din voinţa lor liberă fără a-L consulta pe Dumnezeu. Căci în mod sigur nici o persoană care gândeşte drept nu va considera, spre exemplu, că toate crimele în masă ale Inchiziţiei au fost aprobate de Dumnezeu.

    Religia organizată a făcut adesea lucruri complet contrare Voinţei lui Dumnezeu şi adesea s-a opus Trimişilor Săi cu duşmănie şi ură, chiar şi cu dorinţa de a-i ucide. Lunga listă de martiri stă ca dovadă pentru acest lucru.

    Pentru că în închipuirea majorităţii omenirii religia organizată şi Dumnezeu sunt unul şi acelaşi lucru, ne vine uşor atunci să-L învinuim pe Dumnezeu pentru toate lucrurile rele aflate în legătură directă cu religia organizată. Toate nedreptăţile din cadrul religiei ar putea fi toate atribuite lui Dumnezeu. Toate imperfecţiunile şi deciziile luate de către reprezentanţii religiei organizate ar putea fi cu uşurinţă astfel îndreptate învinuitor către El.

     Este timpul să facem ordine şi să tăiem în mod categoric legătura falsă şi să-L separăm  în ideile noastre pe Dumnezeu de tot ceea ce înseamnă religie organizată.
     Dumnezeu este Dumnezeu şi adeseori Şi-a făcut cunoscută Voinţa Sa prin slujitorii Săi pe care El i-a trimis umanităţii de-a lungul secolelor. A fost  însă tocmai religia organizată aceea care s-a opus cu îndârjire acestor slujitori trimişi de către Dumnezeu. De asemenea, prea adesea după moartea acestor aducători de Adevăr, oamenii religiei organizate au adecvat aceste învăţături ale slujitorilor lui Dumnezeu, punând mâna pe ele şi transformându-le în aşa fel încât să le fie lor convenabile şi să le poată folosi în scopul câştigului lor personal. Aceasta s-a întâmplat în fiecare religie din cadrul tuturor raselor omenirii, fără excepţie.

   Pentru atei şi, de fapt, pentru majoritatea mare a omenirii ar fi nevoie ca ei să ajungă să cunoască Cine Este Dumnezeu cu adevărat şi ce înseamnă El în Voinţa Sa. Ei vor fi şocaţi să realizeze cât de diferit este în comparaţie cu ceea ce ne reprezintă şi ne învaţă organizaţiile religioase. Ei vor fi nevoiţi atunci să recunoască că nu Dumnezeu este vinovat de ceea ce este greşit în cadrul religiilor. Vor fi uimiţi să realizeze ce frumuseţe şi ce măreţie se află în faptul de a ne fi permis să-L cunoaştem pe Dumnezeu şi Voinţa Sa. Ruşinea pentru modul lor greşit de a judeca îi va reduce la tăcere şi deschizându-şi sufletele ei vor putea face promisiunea de a-I fi devotaţi şi de a-I sluji pentru totdeauna Lui, marelui Dumnezeu care ne-a creat pe noi toţi.

( Articol inspirat de pe )

Calea dreptatii e calea eternitatii

Invata de la ape sa ai statornic drum !
Invata de la flacari ca toate-s numai scrum!
Invata de la umbra sa treci si sa veghezi!
Invata de la stanca cum neclintit sa crezi !
Invata de la soare cum trebuie s-apui !
Invata de la pietre cat trebuie sa spui !
Invata de la vantul ce-adie pe poteci
Cum trebuie prin lume de linistit sa treci.
Invata de la toate ,caci toate-ti sunt surori!
Sa treci frumos prin viata,sa poti frumos sa mori !
Invata de la vierme ca nimeni nu-i uitat.
Invata de la nufar sa fii mereu curat.
Invata de la flacari ce-avem de ars in noi .
Invata de la ape sa nu dai inapoi !
Invata de la umbra sa fii smerit ca ea,
Invata de la stanca sa-nduri furtuna grea,
Invata de la soare ca vremea sa-ti cunosti,
Invata de la stele ca-n cer sunt multe osti!
Invata de la greier,cand singur esti sa canti.
Invata de la luna sa nu te inspaimanti .
Invata de la vulturi ,cand umerii ti-s grei
Si du-te la furnica sa vezi povara ei!
Invata de la floare sa fii gingas ca ea .
Invata de la miel sa ai blandetea sa .
Invata de la pasari sa fii mereu in zbor
Invata de la toate ca totu-i trecator!

Ia seama ,fiu al jertfei , prin lumea-n care treci
Sa-nveti din tot ce piere cum sa traiesti in veci!

( poem norvegian )

Monday, March 05, 2012

Celentano la San Remo raspunde criticilor sai

 Marti seara, 14 februarie, in prima seara a festivalului de muzica San Remo, Celentano a tinut pe scena un discurs in care a facut niste comentarii la adresa revistelor bisericii catolice cum ca ar trebui inchise, pentru ca nu ne vorbesc despre Dumnezeu, nici despre Paradis, ci comenteaza politica din lume, si uneori ii critica pe unii preoti sau calugari care se daruiesc in activitatea lor in slujirea aproapelui, si a dat exemplul unui calugar cunoscut ce fusese criticat.  ( )

    In schimb dupa acest discurs a urmat in zilele urmatoare o serie intreaga de critici la adresa lui Celentano.

    Sambata seara, 18 februarie, in seara finala a festivalului, Celentano a fost din nou pe scena si-a raspuns criticilor sai:

    Corporatiile media s-au coalizat in masa impotriva mea  Asa cum n-ar fi facut-o nici daca faceam un atentat impotriva statului. Printre cei patru,cinci care mi-au

luat apararea si carora le multumesc, m-a impresionat vocea unui preot, pe care l-am vazut si in emisiunea condusa de Mara

Venier [realizatoare tv foarte apreciata]. Don Mario... Multumesc, don Mario!Tu ai inteles ceea ce episcopii s-au prefacut

ca nu inteleg! Pana si Travaglio [ un ziarist italian cunoscut care a comentat referitor la Celentano intr un interviu tv]

care parea sa fi inteles de ce anume vorbeam, nu a rezistat. Si intr-un anumit punct pana si el a dorit sa infinga mai

adanc cutitul in rana...Nu a mea! Rana voastra! Caci in final e doar rana voastra cea care devine mereu tot mai adanca pe

masura ce ei va abat de la a intelege. Si atunci ce fac ei pentru ca voi sa nu puteti intelege? Din contextul discursului

meu extrapoleaza o fraza schimbandu-i si modul verbelor, dar... Dar eu am venit aici sa conversez putin

cu acele 16 milioane de persoane care au urmarit festivalul condus de Gianni Morandi, si pentru a vorbi de semnificatia

vietii, a mortii, dar mai ales de semnificatia a ceea ce urmeaza dupa [ moarte ], deci pentru a vorbi despre sansa

debordanta pe care voi, noi, toti impreuna am avut-o, de a fi nascuti. Asadar sa incercam in joaca sa ne imaginam despre

unde si cum va fi Paradisul. E evident ca la oricat ar fi de elevata imaginatia noastra, nu vom reusi niciodata sa ne

imaginam grandiozitatea a ceea ce ne asteapta.Tot ceea ce noi dorim aici pe Pamant, nu e decat o mizera, microscopica particica raportat la ceea ce Tatal nostru ne-a pregatit. Iar noi nu facem decat sa ne indepartam tot mai mult! In timp ce noi ar trebui in schimb sa-L cautam! Sa cautam in vreun fel sa descriem [ descoperim ] o  trasatura  a caracterului  sau, pentru a intelege, chiar daca de la o distanta foarte mare, trasaturile Chipului Sau [ mi-am amintit de afirmatia din Mesajul Graalului: omul a fost creat dupa Chipul Sau, si nu dupa El Insusi ]. Aproape ca intr-o intrecere in care sa vedem cine se apropie mai mult identitatii Sale. Si nu conteaza ca nici unul dintre noi nu L-a vazut vreodata pe Dumnezeu. Dar toate acestea vor fi interesante pentru a ne cunoaste pe noi, pentru a intelege ca singura cale neintrerupta e A LUI.

  Si as putea continua traducerea... dar mi-e sa nu risc sa fiu plictisitor cu toate ca ce a spus Adriano Celentano in continuare nu a fost deloc plictisitor... Unii strigandu-i din sala ca ajunge cu discursul sau, sa inceteze pentru ca arata atitudinea gresita a celor doua ziare ale bisericii papale. Altii mai putini, ce-i drept, i-au strigat in seara aceasta cuvinte de genul "Bravo Celentano!" sau " Adriano, esti un mit!"


Celalalt obraz

<<Cand cineva iti da o palma, intoarce si celalalt obraz!>>
Aceste cuvinte privesc in mod direct viata noastra interioara.
Dar cine nu se supara cand este jignit? Cine stie ca orice jignire e un cadou al destinului?
Orice s-ar zice, destinul e cel mai bun prieten. El ne da tot ce ne trebuie, tot timpul. In bine sau rau...
Niciodata nu ne da ce nu putem duce. Prin urmare, sa invatam sa primim: cand avem parte de rau, sa facem bine.
Aceasta e cea mai grea lectie. Cine e dispus sa o-nvete? Stim foarte bine raspunsul. Si nu facem nimic.
Iata de ce raul creste in lume. Cat despre micile langa rau, toate jignirile sunt mici.
Chiar prietenoase...doar noi facem din tantar armasar.
Caci fiecare jignire ne arata cum suntem de fapt. Cu cat ne supara mai tare, cu atat mai mult o meritam.
Cand nu o meritam, nu ne supara. Doar stim ca nu e asa!
Dar cand ne supara, o tinem minte. Si peste ani de zile! De ce?
Stim foarte bine raspunsul. Cu toate acestea, vrem sa fim fericiti.
Dar fara obraz nu se poate. Fara celalalt obraz...
Noi insine ne facem viata grea prin felul nostru de a fi. Noi insine suntem obstacolele din propria cale.
Ganditi-va! Ce-i mai poate sta in cale unuia care intoarce si celalalt obraz?
El ajunge unde vrea chiar daca moare pe cruce! Dar cine isi traieste viata astfel?
Preferam sa ne plangem de mila: "Mi-a dat o palma..."
Ultima data cand am facut asa am stat de vorba cu ingerul meu pazitor. Stiti ce mi-a spus?
"Bine ti-a facut. Intoarce si celalalt obraz. Meriti si altele."

( Alina Rus )

Sunday, March 04, 2012

Cand altruismul preia conducerea...

Friday, March 02, 2012

Pacea sa fie cu tine! Cu spiritul tau...

Nu reusesti sa stai locului o clipa,
Sarind de la un gand la celalalt,
De la o dorinta la o alta,in permanenta,
E ca un blestem...
Cauti un loc indepartat ,
Fara sa te mai simti legat
De acest haos al pendularilor fara oprire,
Al paradisurilor artificiale, al afiselor publicitare...
Si in inima,in tacere si oriunde,
Pana si pe ruinele Parthenonului,
Sa nu gasesti decat... neliniste
Si insatisfactie...
Tot mai multa insatisfactie 
Fugind de lume si de ei insisi,
In fictiunea imaginatiei,
In disperarea activitatii sexuale,
In videojocuri,suferind fascinatia sacrului
Printre rafturile unui supermarket...

Si in ciuda a tot , ai inca despre iubire
O idee atat de splendida si de sublima !

Pacea sa fie cu tine !
Pacea sa fie cu tine si cu spiritul tau!...

Si esti ca o cetate sub un imens glob de sticla,
Mai mereu in stare de asediu,
Inconjurata de dusmani nemilosi,
Sau inca si mai rau,inconjurata 
De plictiseala cu toate derivatele ei!
Si simti nevoia sa te urci pe un acoperis 
Si de acolo sa incepi sa urli cat te tine gura,
Caci poate va veni vreo farfurie zburatoare
Si ne va salva ea...
Caci , daca cineva trebuie neaparat sa emigreze,
Ar fi bine sa se intrebe: 
Poate ar fi mai bun vreun alt sistem

Suntem noi acele misterioase miscari
De du-te-vino ,ale pinguinilor,
In grupurile imense ce par 
Sa nu se termine nicicand...
Pacea fie cu tine,si cu spiritul tau!
Pacea fie cu tine,si cu spiritul tau...

Si in ciuda a tot porti in tine
O idee despre iubire
Atat de splendida si de sublima!
Si stii bine, ca traiesti intr-un risc mare,
Intr-un risc mare...
Pacea sa fie cu tine,cu spiritul tau!
Pacea sa fie cu tine,cu spiritul tau!

( Renato Zero _La Pace Sia Con Te )

Lucio Dalla 1943-2012

Aici unde marea scanteiaza
Si bate tare vantul,
Pe o veche terasa in fata golfului Sorrento
Un om imbratiseaza o tanara femeie
Dupa ce plansese,
Apoi isi potrivi vocea si reincepu cantecul:

Iti doresc mult bine, stii?
Dar mult, mult bine ...
E ca un lant de-acum.

 Vazu lumini pe mare
 Si se gandi la noptile din America,
 Dar erau doar lampile barcilor
 Si albul valurilor ce se formeaza in urma lor.

  Simti durerea ce-o inspira muzica,
  Se ridica de la pian,
  Dar cand vazu luna iesind de dupa un nor
  I se paru mai dulce pana si moartea.

  Privi in ochii fetei,
  Acei ochi verzi ca marea,
  Apoi brusc se ivi o lacrima,
  Iar el avu impresia ca-n ea se-neaca...

  Iti doresc mult bine, stii?
  Dar mult, mult bine...
  E ca un lant de-acum
  Ce ne aprinde sangele din vine.

  Puterea liricii...
  Unde fiecare drama e un fals,
  Unde cu putin machiaj si mimica
  Poti deveni un altul...
  Dar doi ochi care te privesc
  Atat de aproape si adevarati
  Te fac sa-ti uiti cuvintele 
  Si iti tulbura gandurile...

  Astfel devine totul mult mai mic,
  Chiar si noptile in America.
  Te intorci si iti vezi viata ta
  Ca urma unei barci pe mare.

  Ah, da! Viata prea curand se termina...
  Dar el nu se mai gandi deloc la asta,
  Ba chiar simtea ca de fapt el este fericit,
  Si isi incepu iar cantecul:

  Iti doresc mult bine, stii?
  Dar mult, mult bine...
  E ca un lant de-acum
  Ce ne aprinde sangele din vine.

  ( traducere dupa CARUSO - LUCIO DALLA )
      LUCIO DALLA  a parasit acum doua zile aceasta lume la varsta de 69 de ani,  pornind astfel pe drumul       care duce catre o alta lume foarte probabil mai buna pentru el.

  A fost, traind alaturi de noi, un artist mare si adevarat al Italiei... ba chiar al culturii universale!

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Despre fiintele animistice - Uriasii

   E un fragment referitor la felul in care au colaborat Uriasii la construirea Marii Piramide.

Pyramon had slept deeply on the first night at his house. When
he awoke, shortly before dawn, he felt as though he had come back
from a long journey. He rose and walked to the wide stone pedestal
where the tiny wooden blocks lay. The day before, he had been able
to assemble the foundations of the pyramid, and so he realized that
many more horizontal and vertical internal walls could be built at
the same time as the external ones, than he had thought at first.
While he was still pondering over this problem, someone tugged at
his clothes. A gnome was standing before him, who hardly reached
his knee. The gnome made him understand that the giants had sent
him to fetch the tall man.
“The ‘four times big’ are already waiting for you!” the little
one said. Then, he looked so important and made such a funny
face that Pyramon gave a loud laugh.
* Faun.
“Thank you, little dschedjin! Certainly the ‘four times big’
seldom use such a minute messenger as you.”
The gnome nodded seriously. It was the first time he had
received such an honorable task. That is why he wanted Pyramon to
go to the construction site immediately, so that the giants would not
to have to wait any longer. When Pyramon did not leave immediately,
the gnome pulled fiercely at his clothes again, as if he were
attempting to drag the tall man away. Then, he suddenly vanished.
Pyramon went first to the bathhouse to have a refreshing bath.
He took off his clothes and walked down into the wide hollow
stone basin and dived into the crystal clear water. The narrow
watercourse that rose nearby had been deviated to run directly into
the wide bathing basin. The excess water ran out into a narrow
channel that ended at some old fruit trees which formed an oasis in
the stony environment.
When Pyramon returned from his bath, Salum was already
waiting for him in front of the kitchen. He had prepared the first meal
of the day and wanted Pyramon to eat before he left. While Pyramon
had a cup of aromatic tea and ate date bread and cheese, Salum told
him that Timagens had gone to see the workers before sunrise.
“Timagens wants to start setting up the smelting furnaces ( cuptoarele de topire )
immediately so that the workers can begin the production of tools
and utensils. There is a great quantity of red stone.* The old king
took care of this. Among the men who have been admitted there
are several who have worked with it before.”
Pyramon was grateful to Timagens for having quietly taken
over all the preliminary work. Now he could concentrate entirely
on the construction. Timagens was right; tools to work with were
the most important thing now.
Salum would have liked to tell him more news, but Pyramon
made it clear he was in a hurry. The giants were waiting.
When Pyramon arrived at the construction site, he was
surprised to see the huge square of stone block. The day before,
* Copper.= cupru, arama.
only the corner blocks were in place and today the four base walls
were already standing. He came closer to see how the blocks had
been placed next to each other, because the wall seemed to be made
of a single stone. Only after close examination was he able to detect
where the joints between the stones were. This was possible only
because he knew the exact measurements of the stones.
Pyramon saw how superb the work of the giants was. He
looked around searching for them, since he wanted to show them
how much he appreciated and admired their work. The giants were
watching him from a certain distance away and they were visibly
pleased to see what went on inside him. This member of the human
race was still as a creature of the species was meant to be.
As he did not see the giants, Pyramon walked along one of the
side walls and then further ahead where the finished stone blocks
were piled up. These stone blocks were an enigma to him. They
seemed to have been cut by a knife and not by a tool for breaking
stones. How was it possible? While he was still thinking about
this, one of the giants came; it was Enak, and cut a piece off one of
the nearby stone blocks. In fact, the tool he used looked like a
long, very sharp knife.
The giant put the piece of stone aside and invited Pyramon to
touch the spot that had been cut. He did this, but he immediately
drew his hand back, amazed. The cut surface felt smooth and oily.
But, what surprised him most was the fact that the stone had lost its
normal hardness. It was somehow softer and more flexible. And
Pyramon concluded that in this state the stone mass could of course
be cut very accurately. The enigma had been unraveled.
However, he wanted to be absolutely sure that he was not
wrong, so he punched the stone block. He looked at Enak triumphantly,
showing his uninjured fist. So the stone must be of a
different composition, otherwise he would have hurt himself.
Enak, the giant, nodded his large head contentedly. The
human master builder had received his first lesson about stone
matter. In accordance with the human ways, this teaching would
give the constructor a lot to think about. Enak left, but Pyramon
could not part from the stone block. He contemplated the
numerous blocks piled up like a mountain. The longer he looked
at the stones, the more he became aware there was something he
had overlooked or not understood correctly. Something that was
important. He pondered on this, but his head did not seem to want
to cooperate.
Before leaving, he hit the stone again with both fists. He
immediately jumped back, with a cry of pain. He had punched the
hard stone and hurt his fists so badly, that blood ran from both
hands. Startled, Pyramon stood there before the stone. How was it
possible? Had he been mistaken before? No, since his hands had
not been injured. He could not understand what had happened, in
fact, he did not know what to think . . .
Suddenly laughter, which sounded more like thundering,
echoed through the air from all sides. Pyramon raised his head at
once. And he could see them. The giants had been watching him
with amusement for a while and were now laughing at him. He
raised his bloody hands to show them that in fact, there was
nothing to laugh about. However, they paid no attention to his
hands. On the contrary, they seemed to be pleased about it.
It was not only the giants who were having a good laugh at his
expense. Suddenly he saw gnomes of the earth and of the stones, as
well as some flute players hopping around and laughing at him.
Even the dschedjins of the wind seemed to laugh at this silly man of
the human race. They were pulling at his clothes in such a way that
he laughed and had to wedge himself between two stone blocks to
escape from them. After a while, they left him alone, and he went
away threatening them playfully with his fists.
He stood beside the wall, looking for the giants. He could not
see them anywhere. Their rumbling laughter could no longer be
heard either. The boisterous joyful little dschedjins also seemed to
have vanished in a moment. There was silence all around him.
Everything was so still that he took fright at a flock of hawks that
flew over him, cawing. He leaped on the wall and began to ponder
over the enigma of the stones.
Obviously, the giants wanted to call his attention to the
different densities of matter. Otherwise, they would never have
let him hurt his hands.
Pyramon had seen how Enak had lifted up a heavy stone block
and had carried it to another place. How could this be possible?
Enak did not have the same density as the stone. The stone blocks
prepared by the giants for the construction of the pyramid consisted
of a softer kind of matter. He had discovered this with his own
hands. But at the same time, they were as hard as stone. This he had
also experienced with his own fists. Pyramon looked at the back of
his hands. The blood had already dried . . . Soon, there would be
nothing left to see.
The giants wanted him to understand exactly the way they
worked, he pondered further. As the master builder, he had to
cooperate with them “consciously.” Their work ought to be no
secret to him. But no matter how hard he thought about this, he was
unable to find a solution to the puzzle. Perhaps, as had happened so
many times before, he could find the answer during his sleep.
Timagens came to the construction site and stood before the
wall. He was just as surprised as Pyramon was when he first saw
it at dawn.
“It would have taken us several years to do what the giants
start and finish in one night,” he said thoughtfully. “I cannot grasp
how the giants cut the stone blocks in such a smooth, uniform, and
straight way. And it is not a matter of just a couple of stones, but a
whole mountain of them. Several times I stayed here, standing
before them. Sometimes I could hear the clattering and clashing,
so I knew the ‘four times big’ were working. But I could not find
out how they did it.”
Timagens stopped and looked inquisitively at Pyramon.
“In fact you Pyramon, must know the mystery!”
“I have been trying hard to fathom it, but I have not been
successful yet. But I just had my first lesson a short while ago.
Perhaps the answer may come soon.” When Timagens asked
where he had hurt his hands, he merely smiled and said it had
something to do with the answer to the enigma.
Pyramon had established a work plan whereby he could
begin the construction. By means of the small wooden blocks, he
could show the workers the shape of the several stones used for
the internal construction. The actual measurements of the stones
he would set exactly himself, and keep control of the work.
Because the measurements were extremely important! But he
had to know how many workers he could count on to start. So he
asked Timagens whether he had found out which of the men were
able to see the giants.
“In the construction I want to employ only those workers
who already know the ‘big ones,’ with whom they must work.
Tomorrow, at sunrise, they can present themselves at the construction
“More than half of the men have offered to do this job just
because they have seen the giants,” answered Timagens.
“Measuring cords should be delivered tomorrow together with
other loads. You are going to need them soon!”
Pyramon had already seen these measuring cords before at the
Healing House and had tested their resistance. They were made
from the fiber of a certain kind of cactus, brought by a mukarrib
from very far away by order of Sunrid.
“The mortar powder will take longer to get,” Timagens asked
him to bear in mind. “Sunrid entrusted this to young Miebis a long
time ago. The caravan he sent should arrive soon with the first load.
We only know one region where this powder can be found. It’s very
far away from here. A long time ago there used to be volcanoes in
that area. But let’s go, Pyramon! Salum has prepared us a fishmeal.
I almost forgot that I only came here to fetch you. The fish are not
from the river, but from a lake. The fisherman who brought them
said that the lake is south of here. And, the water is supposed to be
so clear, that sometimes an undine can be seen in it.”
“A fisherman?” asked Pyramon amused. “So our arrival must
already be known far around here!”
Half way down, they met Salum. He had prepared the meal
and now he wished to explore the region until sunset. Perhaps he
could find edible roots and leaves, or some other things for his
kitchen. He enjoyed cooking and was glad Sunrid had appointed
him to do this.
Pyramon and Timagens sat down at the massive table in the
kitchen. They were hungry and thirsty. The fried fish and the
unleavened bread that had been placed in two copper plates
smelled invitingly. Salum had also left a basket with fruits and a
jar full of a hot beverage made from herbs and berries. There were
two copper vessels with water to wash their hands in.
People in Akeru had only one hot meal a day, at about three
o’clock in the afternoon. This was the only time they cooked. But
there were many other healthy and substantial things to eat which
required no cooking. For instance, all year round there were always
several kinds of cheese, milk, coconuts and a variety of nuts as well
as a kind of chestnut. The nuts were crushed with raw wheat grains
to form a kind of porridge which was appreciated by people of all
ages. Many fruits were dried and used to prepare fruit bread, which
lasted all year round. They also had plenty of honey to eat.
While Timagens ate, he thought about the warehouse that had
to be built soon, to store the food in. He already had cooks. Three
of the men had volunteered to take over the worker’s kitchen. But,
for the time being, he could not expect much from them, since they
did not have the appropriate brick ovens and the cook-house was
just a thatch made of rush.
As soon as they had finished their meal, Pyramon and
Timagens left the kitchen. Timagens returned to the worker’s
village, whereas Pyramon walked toward the river. After a while,
he came back. The enigma of the stones would not leave him in
peace. He entered his house and sat on a bench before the pedestal
where he had already started a pyramid model.
He began to think about the origin of the mountains and he
remembered a trip he had made years ago with his father. Their
caravan had camped close to a mountain that had already reached
the age where the decomposition of matter sets in. He was amazed
to see that this rocky massif was not formed just of a single block,
but of countless pieces which had become detached. Full of interest
he contemplated the cracks that criss-crossed the hill and he suddenly
understood why he had always thought every mountain was
made up of just one piece. The giants assembled the stones that
were meant to form a mountain in such a precise way, that the joints
could not be seen. Only when disintegration set in, and the stones
began to crumble and dissolve into the original matter, did it
become clearly visible how the giants had joined and piled up the
stones. The longer he thought about the mountain, the more he
admired the work of the giants. Even during disintegration the
surfaces of the joined stones were clearly smooth and straight.
Pyramon had admired the giants ever since he was a child. But
he had never imagined that, one day, he would work with them.
Noise coming from the kitchen brought him back to the
present. Salum was busy with something outside. He had found
edible tubers and fruit pods which he had never seen before. Now,
he was walking around the kitchen putting things in order. After he
had finished in the kitchen, Salum went to the house and placed on
the table, which was even more massive than the one in the
kitchen, two mugs and a wooden dish with dates, raisins, and
cheese. Then he closed the window openings and went outside.
When Salum left, Pyramon got up. He had been immersed so deep
in thought that he had not even realized it was getting dark. He
went to the bathhouse and had a bath. The grazed skin on his
knuckles was already healing. He hoped he would be able to
unravel the puzzle set by the giants, just as quickly as his hand had
healed. When it got dark, Pyramon lay in bed and fell in a sort of
doze. He heard Timagens come in and get into bed. The cries and
singing of several animals and nocturnal birds still penetrated his
consciousness, but he soon no longer knew what was happening
around him on Earth. His soul had detached itself from his
physical body and was following its own path in the finer
environment of Earth. He was then conscious only of what was
happening in this other world.
“Pyramon! Pyramon!”
Who had called out his name? In response to this thought, he
heard a prolonged melodious tinkle which seemed to come from
far away. A waft of wind brought clouds of perfume, reminding
him of things in the past. Breathing this marvelous scent deeply, he
heard a laugh right beside him that stunned him with happiness.
Thisbe! Yes, it was Thisbe. She was beside him, so strange
and beautiful, and yet so familiar. As usual, the joy of life she
radiated lent her a special brightness. Pyramon had no chance to
enjoy the happiness of meeting her again, because almost as soon
as he had seen her, she raised her hand, waved to him, and
vanished from his sight.
Then, he saw a tall man’s figure coming slowly toward him.
As he came closer, with each movement he made the two golden
rings that fastened his white headcloth flashed. This stranger
seemed to be coming back from a trip, for he wore a white woolen
mantle, used by all those who made long journeys.
The stranger, who was even taller than Pyramon, seemed
somehow familiar to him. However, his face was partly covered by
his headcloth, so Pyramon was only able to see him fully when the
stranger stood a few steps from him. Suddenly, he recognized the
eyes. Eyes that looked stern, but kind at the same time.
“Sargon, is it really you? Did you come to me? You’re so
young I didn’t recognize you right away!” Pyramon exclaimed,
his eyes shining happily as he contemplated the handsome,
well-proportioned face of the King-Priest.
At this point, Pyramon had not yet realized that exactly the
opposite had happened. Sargon had not come to meet him, but he,
Pyramon, had gone to Sargon’s village, right after his soul had
detached itself from his sleeping physical body. He had been
attracted there unconsciously. There, he had always found the
answers to all of his questions. Now, he also expected to find the
solution to the puzzle presented by the giants.

“The solution to this enigma is simple,” Sargon said smiling,
when he saw the startled look on Pyramon’s face. “Are you still
surprised about the fact that I know what is happening within you
when I see you?”
Pyramon was amazed, but also very grateful that in spite of
their separation, the King-Priest always knew the questions that
worried him.
“There is a giant over there. Take a good look at him,” said
Sargon, pointing in a certain direction. Pyramon looked in that
direction and watched the giant.
“He seems compact and dense. He reminds me of the stones,”
said Pyramon hesitantly, after a while. “The dschedjins of the
trees, flowers and water do not seem so heavy and dense to me.”
“You’re right, Pyramon. The giants and the earth-gnomes are
denser and heavier than the other dschedjins that live in the finer
environment and exert their influence upon the Earth from there.
“The giants and gnomes that work with the Earth live in a
region very closely connected with the gross-material Earth.*
“All the other dschedjins live in the Earth’s finer environment,**
having their starting-point there.”
Pyramon paid close attention and, when Sargon stopped
speaking, he exclaimed gladly:
“The giants and the gnomes that live in this region close to
Earth have both kinds of matter in them. Something of Earth and
something of the region they live in!”
Sargon nodded in agreement. He was visibly pleased to see
that Pyramon had understood so quickly.
“Both kinds are contained in the giants and in some of the
earth-gnomes too. Besides the kind of matter related to the region
they live in, they also have something of the dense matter from
which our physical bodies are formed. This composition allows
them to give us, human beings, visible help. You must certainly
* This region is between gross matter and medium gross matter.
** Medium gross matter.
remember the vast land located north of our village,” said Sargon,
looking at Pyramon inquisitively.
Pyramon answered that of course he could remember those
fields. The gnomes had overnight dug up and smoothed out the
fields so well that the peasants were able to start sowing and
planting immediately.
Sargon nodded in satisfaction and resumed his explanation:
“There is nothing mysterious about the stone that seems to
be soft. In Nature’s phenomena there are no puzzles! Stones are
also made from two kinds of matter. Both kinds are united within
the same stone.
“Stones are made from the hard matter of Earth and matter
from the region in which giants live. This last kind of matter is
softer and more elastic.
“When you touched the stone for the first time, you felt the
softer matter. In fact, you sensed it with the hand of your finer
body, which is made almost from the same kind of matter. Your
physical body’s sense of touch was shut out at that moment.
“As you know, the finer body can only feel, hear and see
when it is free, that means, when the physical body is asleep.
But, there are exceptions. Enak wanted you to know the type and
constitution of the stone they work with and cut. The softer
matter of the stones that they work with is somewhat larger. But
this is evened out, because under the influence of the giants, the
stones are compressed, becoming harder, thus they lose some of
their volume . . .”
“I understand!” Pyramon exclaimed excitedly. “The process
is similar with bricks. The soft matter is molded and smoothed
out. But this is not enough. The bricks can only be used after they
have been hardened by fire! But the clay of the brick remains
Pyramon was fascinated by his new knowledge. Now he
understood the whole process. The enigma had been unraveled. He
could visualize exactly how the stones, which had been given the
necessary form by the giants, had their density and hardness
adapted to Earth by means of a kind of fire. Since the giants were
partly formed from matter that had the same density as Earth, they
could deal with hardened Earth stone just as they had already dealt
with the soft stone, to which they had given the necessary form.
“In the past the giants, these tireless servants of the Lord of
the Universe, have helped human beings, to whom they always
felt attracted, in several ways,” Sargon explained. “Some constructions
which they built at the request of good willing people,
are now covered by water. But there are still marvelous Temple
constructions that have not yet sunk. By the end of time they will
certainly have turned to ruins. And people will stand amazed
before these ruins, contemplating the gigantic stone blocks of the
walls — stone blocks which human power would never have
been able to move.”
Sargon stopped speaking. A shadow of sorrow covered his
bright eyes like a veil . . . When he finally looked at Pyramon, he
realized there were further questions and he was pleased because
Pyramon must begin his work free and knowledgeable. There
must never be a puzzle without a solution in his life. This would
only hinder him.
Sargon was right. Pyramon did have further questions to
which he had no answers. And he was already asking:
“Why can’t we see the giants and the gnomes that are so near
us and the Earth continuously? And why are there people that just
can’t see the dschedjins at all? I heard from Magog that there are
many people who can no longer see the beings of nature!”
“The beings of nature cannot be seen all the time. This would
distract both humans and the beings of nature, and would also have
a disturbing effect. Even the earth-gnomes and the giants, who are
closest to the Earth and to us, do not like to be watched while they
are performing tasks for us. It’s enough that people can see them
once in a while and get to know of their activity. During the construction
of the pyramid you will often see the giants, of course.
But I suppose they will do their work mostly at night, while you
and the others are asleep. There is no night for the giants and the
other dschedjins. Only human beings and the animals that live on
Earth know day and night. The giants and the Earth having the
same kind of matter does not bind them together. Even if it did,
there would still be no night for them. Darkness doesn’t exist for
the beings of nature, no matter what kind they are. It’s always day
for them.
“In spite of the kind of matter the giants are made from, which
also allows them to become visible to human beings while they
work, they are not affected by the gross material laws that are in
force on Earth.”
Sargon paused and looked at Pyramon. Seeing that he had
understood this explanation, he passed on to the second question:
“Why were there people who just couldn’t see the dschedjins at all?”
“Yes, why?” Pyramon had a particular interest in this question.
“In the beginning, all human beings could see the big and
little dschedjins. They were the first masters of mankind, so they
were constantly in touch with their human students. But this was a
long time ago.”
Once again Sargon’s eyes filled with sorrow as he continued:
“You asked why, Pyramon. I suppose the cause lies in the
sensory organs. The human sensory organs have become dull and
coarser. We see this in many, many people who come to our village
seeking assistance. Our seers who can scrutinize the future are of
the opinion that by the time of Judgment all knowledge about the
beings of nature, that we call dschedjins, will have become extinct
among human beings.”
“No!” exclaimed Pyramon. “The seers must be mistaken! I
know that the only thing they can expect is the open sarcophagus.
People’s burden of sins will be so heavy by then, that they will no
longer raise their eyes toward the Light. But it’s not possible that
mankind will have forgotten the dschedjins!”
Sargon made no objections, so Pyramon went on excitedly.
“How could human beings forget the beings of nature as
long as they live on Earth? Every tree, every mountain, every
river, every stem and every flower ought to remind them of this!
No, knowledge about the dschedjins can never be extinguished!
Every breath of wind, every ray from the sun, and each drop of
rain give testimony of their tireless activity!”
Pyramon stopped and looked hopefully at Sargon. He wanted
to know if the King-Priest agreed with the seers.
Pyramon was waiting for Sargon’s answer. The longer he
waited, the more baffled he became. Sargon’s silence was plain
enough. Suddenly, Pyramon remembered Thisbe. He asked whether
she also thought the seers were right.
Sargon nodded, in confirmation.
“Thisbe knows that the seers saw correctly. Her wisdom
reaches far beyond the seers.” Sargon added that human beings
would be able to perceive only gross matter by the time the Judge
of the Universe came. Nothing more!
Pyramon was silent, for he knew he could make no more
objections. However, it seemed incredible to him that someone
could live in the world of the beings of nature and not know anything
about them.
“Do you still have a question, Pyramon?” asked Sargon.
But when he saw the expression on Pyramon’s face, he said
“Console yourself. I can hardly believe it myself.” Sargon’s
voice was kind as he uttered these words. But to Pyramon it
seemed as though the words had come from a remote distance.
“Yes, I still have a question. It’s the last one,” said Pyramon,
looking into those eyes that seemed to be covered by a veil of
“When knowledge of the beings of nature is extinguished
from mankind, won’t they wonder who adorned Earth, on which
they are allowed to live, so beautifully? Who has maintained from
primordial times the marvelous forests and mountains, rivers and
flowers, in eternal uniform beauty?”
“I have no answer to your last question. Today, nobody can
answer it. All we know is that at the end of time, the Earth will be
populated by people with atrophied souls and sensory organs.”
Pyramon had paid close attention to Sargon’s words and he
recognized clearly the underlying truth of what he had said. At
the same time, he was overcome by fear. An unknown fear of this
dreadful future. A brutal hand seemed to squeeze his heart with a
firm grip. He closed his eyes for a moment. When the pain
mitigated, he raised his eyes. Yes, he still had a question about
this future. “Sargon” . . .
But Pyramon could no longer see Sargon. The darkness of
night was all around him. His soul had returned from its journey
and suddenly the memory of what he had experienced arose in
him. Sargon had not come to him. It was he who had sought
Sargon at the village in Chaldea, to find the answers to his
unsolved questions.
Happiness, gratitude and a feeling of belonging to the
wise-men of Chaldea filled Pyramon’s soul. The new knowledge
transmitted to him by the King-Priest had dispelled all his
doubts. A strong gust of wind shook the whole house bringing
Pyramon back from his reflections. He laughed at himself,
because he knew the giants were shaking the house. They probably
knew the King-Priest had solved the puzzle they had given
to him. There were no enigmas for Sargon, for he knew all the
phenomena and the connections that stood behind the supposed

Fragment din cartea lui Roselis von Sass: