Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Dupa ani si ani de nedumerire...

In sfarsit am inteles si eu ce inseamna acea traducere insuficienta dpdv al meu... " De tresare in tine un gand, nu l exprima imediat. "  Eu se pare ca sunt un tip cam limitat intelectual, pt ca niciodata pana acum nu m am gandit clar si limpede ca " nu l exprima imediat " insemna de fapt " nu vorbi despre el imediat altuia " ..... Incredibil, dar am trait din 1995-1996 pana acum fara sa inteleg ce vroia de fapt Abd-ru-shin sa spuna cu adevarat in prima fraza din conferinta Tacerea... Si prima fraza e atat de importanta...
 Traducerea de mai jos cred ca e facuta in timpul vietii lui Abd-ru-shin... Asa cred, pentru ca am extras-0 dintr-o traducere in engleza a Marii Editii publicata in 1931.

If a thought suddenly strikes you, keep it to yourself and do not speak of it to another. It will crystallize and consolidate through retention and gain strength like steam under pressure. The pressure and condensation give the thought magnetic power, and it attracts and absorbs all weaker analogous thoughts. These thought-forms come from all sides, are retained and amalgamate with the original thought. They not only bring it reinforcement but serve also to file and remodel it, so that when the thought comes to maturity, its form differs somewhat from the original. You are conscious of this process going on within you, and you think it is your own will that has so ordered it, whereas in truth you are always under influence from outside; when you think, your thoughts are never quite independent. What does this fact teach you?
That perfection can only be the result of a blending of many details or elements. This result is not a new creation, for there is nothing new in Creation. Its component parts are all there. It is only a matter of amalgamating and consolidating them into a new form. The object of amalgamating these component parts is to help build up perfection, and to do this they must necessarily combine and blend.
Do not lightly pass over this truth. Let the fact sink into your mind that maturity and perfection are only attained by the combination and fusion of individual elements, for you will find this to be so in all Creation. This precious truth ought to be recognized and brought into prominence. It stands in close affinity to the rule that we can only receive by giving. With what condition must we comply to understand these truths aright? How can we best realize them? Through love. That is why love is the greatest power and why its potency is unlimited in the great mystery of existence. Creation on its way to perfection is in an unceasing condition of combining, fusing, and filing existing thought-forms through the agency and activity of will-power.
To attain to perfection is reserved for the human race in all its manifold varieties and manifestations as a whole, and can never be accomplished by a single individual, although each individual contributes some necessary element. Thus it is that a sage, possessing wisdom and understanding, no longer knowing the lusts of the flesh, will love all mankind but not the individual.
If we compare the human soul to a harp that has been buried in the
sand, we shall find that only those strings that have been laid bare by the storm (this is the purification undergone) can give forth sound; but all the strings should sound to form an accord and be in heavenly harmony with our sage, for all the strings of his harp sound.
To return to the thought that has been attracting analogous thought-forms and has consequently been growing stronger and stronger: its powerful vibrations are projected beyond the person of the thinker; they penetrate his aura and influence his surroundings. Man calls this personal magnetism. The uninitiated say that the man sends forth rays or emanations which can either be pleasant or unpleasant, attractive or repulsive, as the case may be. They sense something. But in truth no rays, no emanations proceed from the man. He attracts all that is spiritually analogous like a magnet, and this is what they feel. Here also repercussion comes into operation, for sympathy awakes in those who feel the strong man's attractive power.
Always bear in mind that all that is spiritual acts like a magnet and it is well known that the stronger influence dominates the weaker, attracts and absorbs it. This is the meaning of Christ's words: «from him that hath not even that which he hath shall be taken away.» He becomes dependent.
There is no injustice in this, it is the operation of Divine Law. Man need only pull himself together and will aright, and he will be protected from this happening to him.
You will now probably ask: "How will it be, if all will to be strong, if none are left from whom to take?" Then, friend, there will be voluntary interchange among men, for it also is the law that only he who gives can receive. There will be no standstill on that account, for all that is inferior will be swept away and become extinct.
Thus it happens that through indolence many fall into subjection and dependence and in some cases even lose altogether the capacity to develop their own thoughts.
Special attention must be called to the fact that only what is analogous attracts. Hence the proverb: Birds of a feather flock together. Drinkers will attract drinkers; smokers will sympathize with smokers. The same will be the case with gossips, gamblers, etc., and noble characters will attract each other and join in their high-minded aims.
Spiritual attraction finally manifests in matter, for the thought always remains connected with its origin, with its birthplace, and the law of reciprocal action compels it to return to the brain that generated
It must be distinctly understood that I am now only speaking of genuine serious thoughts, the result of spiritual impressions and animated by them. I do not mean those transient thoughts that are only a waste of brain-substance. Such fleeting thoughts are but a confused and wild medley of nebulous bubbles which fortunately are only short-lived. Do not fritter away your time in abuse of a precious gift entrusted to you.
On the other hand, if you have been seriously meditating on a subject and silence has lent your thought the aforesaid magnetic quality, it will be fructified by the thoughts it attracts and will mature. Then it will step out of the frame of the commonplace, and, penetrating other spheres, will assimilate sublimer thoughts — in other words be inspired. Hence the basic thought in inspiration must always proceed from yourself and span a bridge over to the spiritual world, where it then consciously draws inspiration as from a spring. The thought now matures in you. By your own power you have condensed and consolidated into a whole countless elements that have been floating about as thought-forms. You produce a new form by amalgamating what has existed spiritually for ages. Thus everywhere in Creation the forms alone are ever-changing; all else is everlasting and indestructible.
Take care never to allow yourself to indulge in confused or shallow thoughts. The result of superficial thinking is that your brain degenerates into a playground for undesirable alien influences and makes you sullen, moody, and unjust to your surroundings.
If you have a really useful thought, cling to it; the concentrated energy or power you have put into it, will insist on the thought being put into practice and realized. Its future development is spiritual. What then appears on the surface, visible to all, is but the ultimate manifestation of the preceding, spiritual, magnetic process that ever repeats itself in the same order.
Introspection will tell you that all thinking and all emotion, all that belongs to life proper, must come from the spiritual plane, for all life has its origin and develops there. You will be compelled to admit that all you see with your physical eyes is produced by the never resting agency of the spirit.
Every action, even the slightest movement is but the expression of a act of volition. The role that the physical body plays here, is that of the tool animated by the spiritual energy that has fashioned it. This is
the case with all matter: trees, stones, and the whole earth. The spirit that made them, animates them, courses through them and sets them in motion.
As all that we see with our physical eyes (all matter) is simply the result of spiritual life, it will not be hard for you to understand that the conditions of our life on earth automatically adapt themselves to harmonize with the spiritual atmosphere which immediately surrounds you. This wise and merciful provision enables mankind to shape its surroundings at will by the divine power which permeates Creation. Happy is the man who uses this for good, but woe unto him who allows himself to be tempted to misuse it!
The spirit of man is choked and darkened by the lusts of the world: they hold him, weigh on him and drag him down. Man's thoughts are expressions of his will in which spiritual energy operates. He is free to think good thoughts or bad thoughts, and thus guide the heavenly power to good or to bad purpose. In this lies man's responsibility. Reward or retribution will infallibly be his, as the results of all his thoughts will return to their author in obedience to the never failing, unalterable, inexorable and incorruptible law of returns, severe and just! Are not these the attributes of the Almighty?
If free-thinkers reject the hypotheses of Divine Ordinance, it alters nothing of what I have said: they have but to leave out the little word God and search seriously in what genuine science teaches and they will find exactly the same truth expressed in other words. Is it, therefore, not absurd to argue about it? There is no getting round the laws in Creation; no man can defy them. Through the power of Almighty God all natural laws are set in operation. This power man has neither seen nor grasped, and yet every day, every hour, every fraction of a second, he experiences the result of its work, which, if he would, he might observe and study, for it is manifest in every tree, every flower, in the fibre of every leaf breaking through its husk to come to the Light.
What blindness this obstinate opposition is, seeing that everyone, the scoffer included, confirms and acknowledges the existence of this power. What is it that prevents their seeing God in this power? Is it childish perversity, or is it shame at being obliged to confess that, all the time, they have been denying or trying to deny something, of the existence of which they were always aware? No, these are not the reasons. The cause lies in the absurd and outrageous representations of Almighty God which are held up to man on all sides.
The serious thinker is repelled by them and rejects them. To
undertake to delineate God's all-embracing and all-pervading power in a picture is debasing and dishonouring. The pro-founder a man's thoughts are, the less will such a picture satisfy him. The spirit-spark that every man has in him, will instinctively object and refuse any restricting delineation of the inconceivably great power that made him and that guides him.
It is dogma that is responsible for a great number of opponents who, in their contentions, go far beyond their aim or their mark, of which they are often fully aware inwardly.
The hour is not far distant when spiritual awakening will take place. That will be when the words of the Redeemer are rightly interpreted and His great work of Redemption rightly understood, for Christ redeemed us from the Powers of Darkness by teaching us the truth and showing us how a human being should find the way to the Light above, and with His blood shed on the Cross He set the seal to his assurance.
Truth never changes; what was true in the past is now true and will be true in ten thousand years, for truth is eternal.
Therefore study the laws as they are laid down in that great book Creation. To obey them means to love God. Then there can be no discord, for you will be adding to and joining in the glorious harmonies of a hymn of praise.
Whether you say: «I voluntarily submit to the cosmic laws because it is good for me to do so,» or «I will obey God's Will as manifested in these laws,» or «I subject myself to the all-pervading but unexplained power that operates in them,» what difference does it make to your future conduct? The power is there, and you recognize it; if you take thought, you will see you have no option but to do so, and in doing so you will recognize and acknowledge your God, the Creator.
This power operates in you when you think, therefore do not abuse it, but think good thoughts and remember that by it you can attain to the purest, sublimest altitudes. Never forget that the result of what you think will come back to you as a blessing or a curse in proportion to the power, the importance and the extent of the effort lying in your thought.
As the thought is sent out from the spirit, the result will return in the spirit and will make itself felt either here on earth or after you have gone over. Thoughts are not bound to matter, so the dissolution of the physical body does not affect them. Repercussion will surely come
sooner or later, here or hereafter. The author remains connected with his work even if it is executed in matter, for the thought that generated it remains after all that is material has passed away. It is rightly said: Your works are awaiting you and you must give account of them in so far as you have not suffered the reaction and expiated them. If you are still on earth, or if you have returned to incarnate here, the reaction you have incurred (coming from the spiritual sphere) will manifest itself either for good or for evil in the circumstances into which you are born, or may be, in your person, in your physical body.
Your attention is here particularly called to the fact that true life or life proper is spiritual. It knows neither time nor space; thus it knows no intermission, and is beyond the understanding of the earth-man. This explains why the reaction of all that man does or thinks, comes at the time appointed wherever he may be, and nothing will miscarry or be lost.
This answers the question so often put: why must apparently good people suffer such bitter adversity in their earthly lives? One is sometimes tempted to think that their fate is unjust. It is, however, the effect of what they have made themselves liable to in former lives.
Now you will understand that your temporal body is of no consequence. Your physical body is not you. It is only a tool that you have chosen or that you have been obliged to accept, according as the case may stand in relation to the cosmic law. Your life on earth is but an episode of short duration in your existence.
Such reflections might well make a human soul despair if there were no possibility of escape, no protecting power as a counterpoise. Many that wake to a knowledge of spiritual life would gladly sleep again. They do not know what awaits them in the shape of reaction for sins in bygone lives which they must expiate. But take comfort, for another wise and merciful provision is, that when a man awakes, he is shown a way by which he can greatly modify the effects of his Karma, if indeed not avoid them altogether, that is by concentrating his will on what is good. I have before laid special stress on the necessity for doing this. The power of goodwill is so great that it forms a protective atmosphere round a man; it can ward off and disintegrate approaching evil or at least greatly modify its effect, like the protective zone of atmosphere round the earth. This strong and protective power, the attribute or quality of goodwill, is bred and nourished by the power that lies in silence. Thus again, I earnestly admonish those who are striving upwards: Keep the fountain of your thoughts pure and strive to acquire
the great power that silence lends. The Heavenly Father has given you the power to do all this: you have only to use it.
You who are yearning for understanding, do not let yourselves be deceived. Each one of you in his thoughts and works has heaped up a heavy burden of wrong-doing for which each one of you must individually atone, for no part of it can be laid on the shoulders of another. Such is the law, otherwise Divine justice would be but an empty word, and without Divine justice all would crumble to ruins.
Lose no time,.............

.............. Nu mai reproduc aici in intregime si conferinta Inaltare tradusa in engleza...

  Eu mi-am descarcat  Marea Editie din 1931 tradusa in engleza  gratuit de pe site ul:

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