Sunday, December 30, 2012

Despre cum se face curatarea colonului

7 Day Colon Cleanse

For this 7 day cleanse, follow the “Food Choices During A Cleanse”.  The quick review is consuming no meat, dairy, alcohol, or caffeine, while eating plenty of raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, legumes and water).  You may find it useful to prepare much of your food for the week in advance.  Do the activities outlined in the “Morning Detox Routine” (the steps repeated below plus a few extras for good measure).

Your daily routine is listed below.  Upon awakening, empty the bladder and evacuate the bowels (if possible, but don’t strain) then complete this list in order:
1.Scrape tongue and brush teeth.
2.Consume clay/flaxseed/psyllium concoction.
3.Drink 2 tall glasses of room temperature lemon water. before breakfast. Follow up with 6 more glasses of water during the day.
4. 3 sets of 30-45 Kapalabhati breath.
5. 3 rounds of Nauli abdominal massage.
6. Bounce on a mini-trampoline or go for a brisk walk outside for 15-30 min.
7. Skin brush and shower (cold shower is best).
 8. Eat light breakfast including a glass of green juice.
9. For snacks and meals, follow “Food Choices During A Cleanse”, eat slowly, chew well, and begin each meal with a soup or a salad.
10. Go for a leisurely late day or evening walk (at least 15 min).
 11. Complete stretches intended to aid digestion and elimination.
12. Massage the glands and organs.
 13. Finish the day with the relaxing breathing technique called alternate nostril breathing or slow, deep breathing and an elimination mudra (hand position).
On the 7th day, you may choose to perform the intestinal wash (shankaprashalana) if required.  How do you know its required?  After this week of better habits, how is your digestive system working?  If you find that even after the 7 days, you still have digestive problems, then perhaps shankaprashalana is the right choice.
You may also have done this cleanse in preparation for a liver flush.  If so, do not perform the intestinal wash.  Listen to your body, and don’t overdo it!  Maybe just cleaning up your eating and breathing habits is enough to steer towards a healthier you!

1. Tongue scraping

Tongue Scraping

Yogis have been scraping their tongues clean for hundreds of years. This activity is a form of dhauti (cleaning of the digestive tract), one of the 6 kriyas (cleansings).  In jihva dhauti, you would clean your tongue by rubbing it with the joined first finger and thumb in a downward motion, and then squeezing it.  Instead of using your fingers, this method employs a tongue scraper.  Tongue scrapers are more comfortable than fingers, and more effective than toothbrushes for cleaning, as they are designed to clean the soft surface of the tongue and the bacteria is easily cleaned from them (as opposed to the soft bristles of a toothbrush).  You can buy tongue scrapers in most drug and health food stores and many yoga studios, but in a pinch, you can use the edge of a plastic spoon.

Tongue cleaning activates the salivary glands which aids digestion and soothes the throat.  It also removes bacteria and toxic by-product from improper or incomplete digestion (called ama in Sanskrit) that rises up the throat and deposits on the back of the tongue overnight.  It is good to remove this white mucous layer first thing in the morning, before consuming food or drink, so it is not swallowed.  This also helps eliminate bad breath.

Sinus infections can also benefit from cleaning the tongue. A blocked nose forces you to breathe out your mouth which causes the bacteria to thrive. By regularly scraping the tongue with a tongue cleaner the excess mucous and any minor infection is removed.

A daily tongue brushing habit promotes good health, by removing bacteria and ama.  As you detox, less ‘gunk’ will be deposited on the tongue overnight.  A rosy pink tongue indicates good digestive health.

The Exercise - Upon awakening, hold the tongue scraper on both sides, reach as far back as possible in your mouth and scrape from back to front with firm pressure.  The trick is to not press so hard that you will gag, or cause your tongue to curl.  It is most effective to keep the tongue flat.  You will eventually find the right pressure that gets the most gunk off your tongue.  Rinse the tongue scraper between each scrape. Make sure you wash off all the bacteria and saliva that’s collected on the scraper. You should run the scraper at least two to three times over the tongue each morning.

2.Clean Sweep

One of the activities during our 7 day colon cleanse, is to consume a daily mixture of bentonite clay, psyllium husks, flax seed and water.  The effect is similar to a bottle brush.  The fiber of the psyllium and flaxseed plumps as it mixes with water and hits the intestinal tract.  This expansion of materials gives a gentle sweep to the intestines.  The clay draws toxins out of the tract walls*, just as a mud masque on the face draws out oils and toxins.  These toxins, along with the plaque and mucous stripped from the walls of the intestines get passed out of the system along with the solid waste.  The result is a cleaner intestinal tract free from build up.

When the walls are clean, the digestive system is better able to absorb vitamins and nutrients from the food you eat.  Some will argue, that over-eating is often caused by vitamin deficiency.  We don’t absorb enough vitamins, so we are compelled to eat more to give our bodies those vital components.

*note: bentonite clay also draws out prescription medication from intestinal walls, so if you must take medication (and can’t go without during the 7 days), you may want to confirm that it is okay to take clay, otherwise, forego the bentonite and just stick with the fibrous ingredients.

The Exercise - either as part of the 7 day Morning Detox, or the 7 day Colon Cleanse, mix 1 tablespoon of bentonite clay, 1/2 tablespoon psyllium husks, 1/2 tablespoon ground flaxseed into a glass of water.  Stir and consume.  Chase it with another glass of water.  Do not eat anything for at least 30 minutes after consuming to allow the mixture to do its thing.  (You can premix enough of the psyllium and flaxseed for the week in a 1:1 ratio and store in freezer, and use 1 tablespoon into the glass of water and clay).  Here is a quick video of the exercise.


The Importance of Hydration

If you want to help your body’s detoxification processes, it’s important to drink a lot of water.  Being properly hydrated, makes life easier for all your detoxifying organs.  As an example, when you are hydrated, your skin plumps up, you have less visible wrinkles, and you pass more toxins out the skin through sweat glands rather than the sebaceous glands (less chance of acne breakouts).  Enough water, helps the kidneys, as they are less likely to form kidney stones, if there is enough water in the system.  The digestive system becomes constipated, if you don’t give it enough water.  This slows the removal of toxins from that system, which is… not what you want.  The lungs want enough water so they can be supple and resilient which means better, more efficient breathing.

The usual recommendation is to drink 8 glasses of water per day at minimum. To stay on course, try starting your day with a couple of tall glasses of water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice mixed into them. The fresh lemon juice alkalizes the blood. Proper hydration helps thin the blood giving it easier passage through the body (the liver and kidneys are happier) and easier exchange with the lymphatic fluid. Correct fluid levels in the body also allow the detoxifying organs to work optimally (regular bowel movements, clear urine, healthy skin result).

The Exercise - Drink 8 glasses of water per day, getting the first 2 glasses in before eating breakfast (this may also give you the effect of feeling more full, less prone to overeat… bonus!). Adding fresh lemon juice to the water is a great idea, especially if your diet is fairly acidic (examples of acidic foods are highly processed foods, meat, dairy, sugars).


Yogic Detox Breath Technique

Pranayama, the yogic practice of controlling the breath, can be used to help your detoxification efforts. Kapalabhati breath technique is one of the best ways to cleanse and increase the capacity of the lungs as well as purify the blood. It draws a lot of oxygen into the body, and rids the body of many toxins (from lungs and internal organs).

This is a good exercise to do every morning, to help boost your metabolism. It is an energetic breath technique. This demonstration of Kapalabhati breathing can get you started. A brain not used to so much oxygen, may experience a mild, temporary high as a side-effect, so you should ease into a daily practice.

The Exercise - Every morning for the next month, practice Kapalabhati breathing.  If a month sounds like too much commitment, start with 7 days and see how you feel.  Assume a moderate pace for the pumping action of the navel point.  Start with 2 sets of 30 breaths, resting briefly between each set.  Follow the rest of the monthly schedule below. By all accounts, you will see benefits if you consistently practice. If you like, use your journal to keep track of your exercises, and any changes in your mental or physical state over the course of the month.  Here is a sample schedule (practiced daily upon waking at a moderate pace):

Week 1

(2 x 30 detoxifying navel pumps separated by 1 min. break)

Week 2

(3 x 30 detoxifying navel pumps separated by 1 min. break)

Week 3

(4 x 30 detoxifying navel pumps separated by 1 min. break)

Week 4

(5 x 30 detoxifying navel pumps separated by 1 min. break)

An encouraging note is that drawing in more oxygen, not only helps purify lungs and blood, but also burns fat the body stores to help trap toxins. The definition of aerobic is “with oxygen.” For your body to burn fat, it must receive enough oxygen to begin the burning process. The other bonus is the abdominal massage that occurs during this breath, also releases toxins trapped in the internal organs. A consistent use of this technique will reap many healthful benefits.


Nauli - Abdominal Massage

This is another one of the 6 Hatha yoga kriyas (cleansings).  It is intended to help clean the digestive system and tone the internal organs such as the liver and kidneys.  It is to be performed on an empty stomach and can be done in stages, starting out easy, and gradually progessing to more challenging techniques.

In all 4 stages, the easiest way to do this technique is by standing with feet wide apart and bending the knees.  Place your hands on your thighs, lean forward (spine at 45%), pushing hands into thighs and lengthening the spine.  You now look like a baseball player (without the glove) waiting for the next play.  Here is a video demonstrating the advanced nauli technique (stage 4).  Take a few deep breaths in and out and then start with stage 1.

Stage 1:  In this stage, you practice the root lock (mula bandha) and holding the breath out.  Inhale, and on the exhale forcefully evacuate the air from the lungs (either through mouth or nose).  When you have exhaled all you can, hold the breath out and squeeze the muscles at the pelvic floor (specifically the perineum between the anus and the genitals).  If it is difficult to isolate the perineum, squeeze the anus and the entire pelvic floor will be lifted.  Women may know the root lock as a kegel exercise.  When you need to draw in oxygen, take a slow inhale and release the root lock by relaxing the perineum.  Be sure not to hold the breath out so long that you have to gasp it back in.  Take a calm, slow inhalation so as not to strain.  Practice this a few times until you are comfortable with holding air out then inhaling calmly afterwards.

Stage 2:  This stage sees you adding the diaphragmatic lock (uddiyana bandha) to the stage 1 exercise.  Follow the stage 1 procedure.  Once you have exhaled and applied root lock, pull abdomen in and up as the diaphragm tucks up under the ribs.  It will give you the sensation of just having vacuum sealed your internal organs.  You may even feel that vacuum effect tugging the back of your throat down.  As in stage 1, release the breath when you need, to take in a calm smooth inhale.  Repeat a couple more times.

Stages 3 & 4:  These are more advanced techniques that lend added benefit.  Essentially in these stages, you use your abdominal muscles to press the internal organs from side to side (stage 3) and then in a circular motion (stage 4).

One way to think about nauli is to imagine that you are putting your internal organs in a ziplock bag, removing the air, so they are vacuum-sealed, then moving them around to gently massage and tone them.  By compressing them in the ‘ziplock’ (your abdominal cavity), pressure is applied to more surface area thus a more complete massage results.  Besides relaxing and toning the organs, massaging them helps release stored toxins (much like ringing out a dirty sponge).  When you release the pressure, fresh fluids rush in and the toxins are released to be eliminated by the body’s systems.

The Exercise - Each morning before eating, do 5 nauli rounds as described in stage 2 (or stages 3 or 4, if you feel comfortable).   Remember one round at stage 2 is a full exhalation, engage the root and diaphragmatic lock, hold the breath out for as long as you can before slowly sipping air back in.  This exercise can be done alone or as part of a 7 day cleanse (such as the Morning Detox Routine).  You will immediately notice the digestive system becoming responsive (you will become regular within a day or two of starting this practice).  The toning of the internal organs is a less obvious benefit, but you may experience some positive benefits through the course of this practice.  Write them down in your journal!

Bounce on a mini-trampoline or go for a brisk walk outside for 15-30 min.


Skin Brushing

There are many benefits to brushing the skin, some of which include:
Removing dead skin cells (improving skin texture and function)
Improving skin circulation (thus can reduce cellulite)
Stimulating lymphatic system (increasing your immunity)
Aiding digestion (brushing the stomach in a clockwise motion helps peristalsis in digestive tract)

Get yourself a natural bristle brush (available at health shops and most drugstores). Each morning before showering, brush your limbs with long smooth strokes in the direction of your heart.  This is the direction you want to move the lymphatic fluid, so it doesn’t pool in the extremities. You can start at the feet, brushing upwards towards the heart. Then do the arms, from hands to armpits.  Five to twenty strokes per limb will suffice. Spend time in areas where lymph nodes are located such as behind the knee, the inner elbow, the armpit.  Brush the stomach in large clockwise circles around the navel. Brush the chest lightly, avoiding sensitive skin such as the nipples.  Brush the back in downward strokes.  Brush the buttocks with small circular motions.  Follow with a shower (to remove any lingering loosened or dead skin cells).  Because this energizes the body, it is best done in the morning.  Avoid skin brushing just before bed, especially if you have difficulties sleeping.

The Exercise - Either as part of the Morning Detox Routine or alone, complete the activity described above in the morning prior to showering.

The Power of the Cold Shower

Want a great way to get the blood circulating through the body and make your internal organs happy?  Start your day with a cold shower, also known in the yogic tradition as ‘Ishnaan’, or hydrotherapy.  The cold water causes the blood to rush quickly out of the organs to the skin (defending you against the cold), opening up capillaries that may over time have become blocked.  This lets blood and lymph flow better to all parts of the body.  It also flushes the organs, refreshing them as the blood they contain is circulated/exchanged.  The cold shower is also a great way to calm down the nervous system (see tips on getting a better sleep).  Note: use lukewarm water during menses or if you are pregnant.

The Exercise - After completing your more pressing morning duties, it is time for hydrotherapy.
Apply a thin layer of almond oil to your body.  You don’t have to use it, but it is soothing and leaves your skin feeling wonderful.
Step into the shower, with the temperature as cold as you can stand it.  Don’t let the cold water hit directly onto your thighs or genitals to start.  
You can start by letting the cold water hit the lower legs and feet, rubbing the calves and shins with alternate feet.  The idea is to rub and stimulate the skin and the acupressure points on the feet.
Then step forward, allowing the cold water to hit the face, arms and upper body, rubbing them vigorously with the hands.
Turn, and allow the water to hit the back as you rub the kidneys.
Repeat the process staying in the cold water for several minutes.
Finish by toweling off completely.  You may experience the sensation of feeling extremely warm after your shower because your blood has circulated and is returning to your organs.  If you feel chilled after the shower, you may not have stayed long enough to move the blood.  Try rubbing your skin more vigorously with your hands and feet.
Consider the cold morning shower as preventative medicine.  For comfort, you may choose to wash the scalp at another time, or under lukewarm water.


Eat light breakfast including a glass of green juice.


Food Choices During A Cleanse?

For the period of time that you are doing your cleanse, eliminate the following from your diet:
Processed/refined food – This includes some food-like substances sold in the supermarket.  Check the ingredients label.  In fact, be suspect of any food with an ingredients label, apples and carrots don’t need a label.  The ingredients in a food-like item often contain stuff you don’t recognize.  If it was designed in a food science lab or underwent lots of processing (like sugar and white flour), don’t eat it.
Meat - In the average adult, it takes approximately 3 days to digest a piece of meat, yet only about 15 hours to pass a salad of raw vegetables. The time and energy digesting the heavy proteins will go towards internal maintenance efforts.  Fish is also in this list, remove it for the week, to remove the chance of ingesting heavy metals and/or parasites.
Dairy – No milk products or eggs this week.  For most people, dairy is mucous forming in the respiratory and digestive system.  Additionally, there can be antibiotics, steroids or hormones in the milk you drink, that the liver will then have to work to filter.
Alcohol - How to tax your liver?  Drink alcohol.  When it has to process alcohol, it shurks some of the other critical functions of the liver.  So eliminate it for the week, to take a load off your liver.
Caffeine - Take caffeine out of the diet, if you don’t consume that much.  This will give your nervous system a rest.  If you do drink a lot of caffeinated drinks, say coffee, cut back to one cup a day or even better, switch it to a cup of green tea.

This is not a judgment on the food choices you make outside of your cleanse program.  The purpose of these restrictions is to give your body’s systems a break, choosing to eat foods that breakdown and pass through the body quickly and easily.  You may find you like the changes, and by all means, feel free to continue this style of eating, post-cleanse.

Take all of that away and what are you left with?  As a general rule, it’s good to abide by Michael Pollan’s summary in his article “Unhappy Meals”, where he flatly states “Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.”

Vegetables, legumes, fruits, nuts, seeds, whole-grain breads, brown rice are all in the list.  You will be surprised at how many tasty meals arise out of that list with a little preparation. If your weekly schedule is cramped, the day before you start your cleanse, prepare some of your food for the week. It will make it a lot easier to stick to the plan.


Go for a leisurely late day or evening walk (at least 15 min).

Complete stretches intended to aid digestion and elimination.

Massage the glands and organs.


Finish the day with the relaxing breathing technique called alternate nostril breathing or slow, deep breathing and an elimination mudra (hand position).

Lotus Mudra

This mudra (hand position) is intended to help detoxify the body and mind. Place your thumbs on the base joint of the ring finger, keeping the hand open and fingers long. The hands, like the feet, house energy points that correspond to different glands, organs and meridians in the body.  The tip of the thumb corresponds to the brain, while the ring finger corresponds to the liver, gallbladder, and nervous system.

During a cleanse period, any time you are resting or relaxing, you can put your hands into this position, slow the breath down and visualize new positive inputs taking the place of old, toxic ones.  In the Sensual Beings exercise where you assessed your senses, you likely had some negative habits or influences that you wished to shed or replace with positive ones.  Take one of those examples and begin visualizing positive replacing negative. Check your journal notes from the exercise or choose something new! Ideas: ‘go for more walks, watch less TV’, ‘eat more live food, less junk food’, or ‘laugh & sing more, gossip less’.

The Exercise - During your cleanse period, when you are at rest, take a few minutes each day of the cleanse to hold this mudra (as described above) and imagine positive inputs rushing into the space left by casting away negative inputs.

Note: to stay calm in a moment of crisis, encircle the ring finger of the left hand with your right hand.  Hold and breath slowly for a few breaths, then repeat on the other hand, wrapping the ring finger of the right hand with your left hand.

Shankaprakshalana… Intestinal Wash

“Shanka” or conch describes how the ancients thought of the curling shape of the digestive system.  ”Prakshalana” refers to a process of cleaning or emptying.  Falling under the umbrella category of dhauti, this intestinal wash has 2 forms, the short or long version.  Both involve drinking a large amount of warm salt water in combination with doing a series of yoga postures to promote the emptying of the digestive system.

The short version is not as exhaustive, lengthy or thorough as the long form, though is still very effective.  With practice, it takes as little as 20 minutes to complete, but it is good to set aside several hours to not feel the pressure of time.  It is not advised to do the long form without proper and experienced supervision.  Shankaprakshalana should be done on an ‘as needed’ basis (when there is impaction or chronic constipation).  If the digestive system is working well, this cleanse is not necessary.  There are gentler ways to maintain the optimal health of your digestive system.  This is a ‘when nothing else is working’ cleanse rather than a maintenance routine.

Drinking the salt water alone, though it will cause you to ‘evacuate’ a lot of waste, is not as effective as combining it with a yoga set.  The postures in the set are ones that move and massage the intestinal tract, and help tone and release the valves along the way. Waste that is stuck on the tract walls or diverted into prolapsed areas is more likely to be released if one moves the body in this vigorous series of postures.

Here is a video demonstrating the yoga poses to accompany the short version of this dhauti cleanse.

The Exercise:

0) Before you begin, determine if this cleanse is needed.  If you are chronically constipated or irregular, AND have tried (with no success) to improve your diet, perform abdominal massage and other gentler methods to resolve your digestive issues (such as the 7 day colon cleanse), then proceed to step 1).

1) Perform this cleanse in the morning hours, before eating or drinking anything.  Mix the salt drink (3 litres of warm water mixed with 6 teaspoons of sea salt).

2) Quickly drink 1 - 2 glasses of the salt water (drink only one if you have a small stomach, or find that you need to go to the bathroom before completing the yoga set).

3) Perform the yoga set (the 5 postures as demonstrated in the shankaprakshalana video).  Repeat this yoga routine 8 times.

4) Steps 2) and 3) are considered one round of shankaprakshalan.  Repeat steps 2) and 3) twice more for a total of 3 rounds or until your digestive system moves and you need to go to the washroom. You will want to complete enough rounds (not surpassing 5 or 6 rounds) that when you go to the washroom, you are passing almost clear liquid with no solid material left to pass.

5) When completed, rehydrate the body by drinking several glasses of fresh water.


If you have to go to the washroom before finishing the third round of yoga, return and finish the yoga set after using the washroom.

If after 3 rounds, you still do not have the urge to go to the washroom, repeat steps 2) and 3) again.  Do not exceed 5 or 6 rounds.  You may need to perform the exercises more vigorously to move the system.

Wait at least 1/2 hour after this cleanse before consuming any food.

Liver Flush

You may have seen different versions of a ‘liver flush’ around. A very effective version of this flush is captured below.

Before attempting this liver flush, complete at least a 7 day colon cleanse (no alcohol, meat, fish or dairy, lots of raw vegetables and fruits), to allow your liver and digestive system to rest before the flush. Be sure to drink lots of water during this week to further promote detoxification.

Choose a day like Saturday for the flush, so you will be able to rest the next day. On the day of the flush, your last food and drink should be taken at 2pm.

Here are the recipes required after that point:

Salt drink
4 tablespoons EPSOM salts (Magnesium Sulphate - plain, no added fragrance)
3 cups water or freshly squeezed grapefruit juice or freshly pressed apple juice

Oil drink
1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil
1 big grapefruit (or 2 small)

Here is the schedule to follow:

2:00 pm - Consume your last food and drink of the day. Prepare the salt drink. Mix 4 Tbsp epsom salts in 3 cups water or fresh juice (see recipe) and pour this into a jar. This makes four servings, 3/4 cup each. You can refrigerate, if you prefer cold drinks, but it is unnecessary.

6:00 pm - Drink one serving (3/4 cup) of the salt drink. You may also drink a few mouthfuls of water afterwards or rinse your mouth.

8:00 pm - Repeat by drinking another 3/4 cup of the salt drink. You haven’t eaten since 2pm, but you won’t feel hungry. If you are thirsty, take a small sip of water, but limit the amount of water you drink, so as not to dilute the effect of the salt drink. Get your bedtime chores done. You do not want to stray off schedule for more than 10 minutes one way or the other. Timing is crucial.

9:45 pm - Make the oil drink. Pour 1/2 cup (measured) olive oil into a jar. Juice the grapefruit and add the juice to the olive oil. Seal the jar, and shake the mixture until it becomes watery. Get ready for bed, visiting the washroom one or more times, as needed.

10:00 pm - Standing by your bedside, chug back the oil drink (try to finish it within a 5 min. period). Take a valerian capsule (optional) to help you sleep.

Lie down immediately. You might fail to get stones out if you don’t. The sooner you lie down the more stones you will get out. Be ready for bed ahead of time. Don’t clean up the kitchen. As soon as the drink is down lie down in bed on your right side with your head and shoulders elevated on a pillow. Try to keep perfectly still for at least 20 minutes.

What is happening in the liver? The salt drink dilated the bile ducts in the liver and softened the stones. The oil drink caused the production of a large amount of bile, which surges through the ducts, dislodging stones from liver and gallbladder. You may feel a train of stones traveling along the bile ducts like marbles. There is no pain because the bile duct valves are open and the stones are softened (thanks epsom salts!). You may feel nausea, due to the amount of bile the body produced to deal with the oil you just consumed. If you really need to visit the washroom at any point, then obviously do so, but try to go to sleep. Trouble sleeping? Close your right nostril with your thumb, and take slow deep breaths in and out through the left nostril. This will help relax you and put you in a state of slumber.

Next morning - Upon awakening take your third salt drink. If you have indigestion or nausea wait unit it is gone before drinking the salt drink. You may go back to bed. Don’t take this potion before 6:00 AM.

2 hours later  - Take your fourth (the last) dose of salt drink. Drink 3/4 cups of the mixture. You may go back to bed.

After 2 more hours you may eat. It is advisable to eat only light items such as fruit or oatmeal. Listen to your body, maybe it just wants a glass of apple juice. By afternoon, you will feel more recovered, again light foods such as soup are good for you today. Try to avoid foods that are hard to digest. Eat only small portions for the rest of the day.

How well did you do? Expect diarrhea in the morning. You may actually here stones hitting the toilet bowl. If you like, look for gallstones in the toilet with the bowel movement. Look for the green kind since this is proof that they are genuine gallstones, not food residue. Only bile from the liver is pea green. The bowel movement sinks but gallstones float because of the cholesterol inside. Count them all roughly, whether tan or green. Typically, adults need to total 2,000 stones before the liver is clean enough to rid you of allergies or bursitis or upper back pains permanently. The first cleanse may rid you of your symptoms for a while, but as the stones from the rear travel forward, you may get the same symptoms again. You may repeat cleanses at two week intervals. Never cleanse when you are ill.

Sometimes, the bile ducts are full of cholesterol crystals that did not form into round stones. They appear as a “chaff” floating on top of the toilet bowl water. The chaff may be tan colored, harboring millions of tiny white crystals. Cleansing this chaff is just as important as purging the stones, since if left be, it may form into gallstones (cholesterol coats the chaff and after successive coats, becomes hardened stones).

Congratulations, you’ve cleansed your liver, allowing it to work more optimally at keeping your blood clean and your body well.

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