Thursday, June 07, 2012

De ce exista atata nedreptate in randul oamenilor?

Often, the apparent injustices that take place on Earth are
thought provoking to those who still care about spiritual matters.
They ask themselves: “Why are there so many social injustices?
Why is there, on the one hand, astonishing poverty, and on the
other, great wealth? Why are some people born with disabilities?
Why are some healthy, while others suffer from painful illnesses?
Why do affliction, anguish, and torment exist? Where is Divine
Justice found in all of this? Shouldn’t this Justice be the same for
everyone?” Divine Justice is infallible. It affects each human
being as he, himself, deserves. Every individual reaps what he
sows. This is the infallible Divine Justice that, acting within the
Laws of Creation, can only be understood by those who truly
believe in reincarnation.
Human spirits reincarnate several times with various peoples
and countries. These multiple lives on Earth are necessary for full
development of all the faculties latent in the human spirit. Each
person should obtain new awareness throughout each new lifetime
on Earth, increasing his spiritual and earthly knowledge. However,
precisely the opposite has happened. Human beings have not taken
advantage of their precious, varied lives on Earth, as was God’s
Will. In so doing, they have distanced themselves further and
further from the Creator’s Will, and thus accumulated a burden of
guilt—which, with the passing of the millennia, has produced the
chaotic conditions seen on Earth today. The free and happy human
beings of the past have become suffering creatures, tormented by
much anguish.
“What man sows, he must reap.” These words of Christ reveal
all the greatness they encompass, but only to those who take into
account their various lives on Earth. For it is not always possible to
harvest all that one has sowed in one’s lifetime alone.
Behold an example: a child is born crippled. According to
common belief, this child is innocent. But if the child is innocent,
why should he live his earthly life with such a stigma? Where is
the solution to this enigma? The Christian world has very simple
answers. First, it is considered a matter of “blind faith.” Then,
statements are made such as: “People should accept without
question everything that God sends to them;” or “The child
must suffer because of the sins of his parents;” or the opposite,
“The parents need to go through probation.” And there are many
other explanations for such cases as well. However, the fact that
these interpretations completely exclude Divine Justice has
gone unnoticed.
The real truth, however, is quite different. A human being
who is born crippled is not innocent. Much to the contrary, such a
person is overburdened with guilt from past lives, and living a
new life on Earth as a crippled person is the only way to atone.
Perhaps the one who carries such a stigma had caused atrocious
suffering to many in the past. We need only remember the
Inquisition, the religious persecutions, the countless wars of
conquest in past ages, etc. Of course, these are only examples to
help the reader conceive the acts of Divine Justice. The causes of
such deformities also could have been different. By considering
the kind of deformity, it is possible to infer what offense brought
about such a condition. If the person is conscious that he himself
is responsible for the condition of his earthly body—in other
words, if he acknowledges that his suffering is fair—then the
heavy karmic threads dissolve, allowing him to rise free to the
radiant heights after his earthly death.
And yet another example: a man was rich and powerful in
many past lives. His wealth, however, was obtained through the
oppression and exploitation of others. In spite of his riches and
privileged position, this man felt envy and hatred toward those
wealthier than he. Furthermore, he never had a thought of sincere
gratitude toward the Almighty. So, in what condition would such a
person live during his next reincarnation on Earth?
A person with this type of karmic offense could not be born
into a wealthy family. Since he was envious and avaricious, he will
certainly join the legions of discontented people populating Earth
today. These dissatisfied people generally blame God for not
allowing them to enjoy similar pleasures to others in life. They
demand equality for all, and pursue with their hatred those who are
well off, considering their enemies to be everyone who is in a
better economic position. Nevertheless, it is neither poverty nor
work that makes their lives burdensome and difficult, but actually
their own wicked character brought from past lives. Avarice and
envy make their present lives a period of constant terrestrial
martyrdom. The supposition that the Almighty unjustly divided
terrestrial wealth naturally evokes envy, hatred, and mistrust within
them. Deep inside, these dissatisfied people feel contempt for all
who, in their opinion, are more privileged than they are. The karma
of these discontented people would not be as difficult to redeem if
they simply recognized that Divine Justice is infallible, and that they
themselves are the only ones responsible for the condition of their
current lives. Their conviction in the absolute infallibility of Divine
Justice would free them of their karmic burden. They then would
receive assistance in the most unexpected ways, which would
improve their terrestrial lives. For human beings are continuously
subject to the Law of Reciprocal Action, and receive everything
exactly as they themselves once wished.
All that happens in life is logical and simple; so logical,
that even children can understand it. However, in spite of logic
and simplicity, people choose to cultivate mysticism and blind
faith rather than having the courage to face the pure and transparent
All of humanity’s failures that are observed today have their
origins in past lives.
If, for many, this seems unlikely, it is because they do not pay
attention to what goes on around them.
For deeper comprehension, behold yet another example:
today’s adolescents. What evil, immoral and criminal biases are
shown among these young people! Often these creatures are no
older than thirteen or fourteen; and yet, they clearly show that
they were born with their character already corrupted. There is
no other explanation for the behavior of these lost young people,
found today in every country. For certainly, it is difficult to
believe that these adolescents can become perverse and even
criminal people in such a short span of time.
We live in the age of the Apocalypse. Each person is harvesting
today exactly what he sowed in past ages, because the
laws of Creation are governed according to Almighty God’s
infallible Justice.

 ( Roselis von Sass - THREADS OF FATE

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